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Reader POV

I moved to draw my blades, ready to charge and attack the two traitors but Mikasa was closer and faster. As I turned around with my blades drawn I watched her slice off one of Reiner's arms at the elbow and stick one blade through the other arm and give Bertholdt a deep cut on his shoulder, narrowly missing his neck. The two started to glow and spark unnatural yellow static a moment later and I tried to rush in to help, Levi running after me to try and stop me. A sudden bolt of lightning came from Bertholdt first and a second from Reiner as they transformed, well, Bert only partially transformed. The shockwave knocked me on my ass with a grunt.

I pushed myself to my feet and, along with Hanji and a few other senior soldiers that were currently here, I charged at the Colossal Titan, attaching my hooks to his forearm as he lifted the large limb and slowly brought it down toward us. I retracted the hooks and dropped to avoid the arm, slicing into it as I reattached my hooks on the other side of his elbow to curve around the limb. But my blades barely made contact before his whole body let out a powerful blast of scalding hot steam to protect himself. I brought my arms up to block my face, crying out in pain at the sudden searing heat that blew me away from him and over the edge of the wall. Seemed those on the top of the wall were affected too because as soon as I was able to move my arms and attach my hooks to the wall and stop my descent, I saw Levi fall past me.

I turned my head to follow and panicked when I realized that, not only did he not have his gear on, he'd been knocked out by something. "Levi!" I yelled after him, retracting my hooks and pushing myself away from the wall to dive after him. I was too far away to reach him and felt hot tears sting my eyes as I attached one hook to the wall and shot the other down after Levi. I planted my feet on the wall and skidded down a meter or two before my body came to a stop, watching with a large wave of relief as my other hook made purchase in Levi's right thigh and the wire was pulled taught under his weight. Of course, I felt bad for injuring him but it was better than watching him turn into a human pancake on the ground just a few more meters below him.

By the time I hauled the both of us back up to the top of the wall the Colossal Titan, Armored Titan and Eren were all gone. And so were the other cadets from the Levi Squad. I carefully laid Levi down next to Hanji who was also unconscious and sighed heavily, sitting down next to him on the other side to hold his hand. As worried as I was about Levi, I knew he'd be okay now and so my thoughts drifted off to Jean who must have gone with the others in pursuit of Reiner and Bertholdt. Would he be okay? My question was answered about twenty minutes later when everyone returned to the top of the wall with just a few scratches here or there.

I glanced up from staring down at Levi's hand that I was still holding and locked eyes with Jean. He took the scene in and quickly made his way to my side, kneeling down. He scanned Levi's body from head to toe with wide eyes, surprised to see him in such a state. "What happened to him?" He asked and I frowned with a little sigh, giving Levi's hand a gentle squeeze. "He got knocked off the wall just like the rest of us that attacked did. But he didn't have his gear and he somehow got knocked unconscious. I barely caught him before he hit the ground. He probably won't be walking properly for a while, had to catch him with one of my wires." I explained and looked down when I finished speaking. I heard Jean sigh and he placed a hand on my shoulder, giving it a light rub. "He's alright now. And he's going to be just fine. A few minor injuries are better than losing him, right? So don't beat yourself up too much."

I shrugged his hand off my shoulder and leaned against his, staring down at Levi. "But I hurt him..." "No, you saved him. If you hadn't been there to catch him with one of the wires, what would have happened?" I grumbled at his logic and lowered my voice with a bit of reluctance to actually respond. "I get it, geez." He wrapped an arm around me and rubbed my shoulder. "I'm glad you're alright though." I spoke up again after a long pause and he turned his head to place a kiss on the top of mine. "I'm happy to see you're alright too, (Name). I don't know what I'd do without you."

I could only imagine how difficult it was for Jean to be here comforting me while I worried about Levi but he was doing a good job of putting us before himself. I'm not so sure I could do the same if I was in his position. He sat there with his arm around me next to Levi for I don't even know how long. We both looked up when we heard Commander Erwin’s voice come into the scene. He was barking orders to other cadets and officers that were milling about on the wall and he eventually stopped when he reached where Hanji and Levi lay. I saw a deep frown form on his lips before he flicked his eyes up to Jean and I. "You two stay here and take care of the injured." Jean let go of me to stand and give the Commander a salute but I just looked away from him back down at Levi, nodding slowly. There was no way in hell I'd be letting go of his hand until he woke up whether it meant disrespecting a commanding officer or not.

I didn't get berated for it, Erwin just walked off with purpose to gather the rest of the Scouts who weren't injured and some of the Garrison and MPs that were around too. And once everyone else was gone there was just a deafening silence aside from the light breeze and the sounds of birds chattering with each other. I sighed and leaned against Jean's shoulder again when he sat back down next to me, turning my face up to the sky to watch the wispy clouds slowly move through the beautiful blue background. As I stared up at the sky, I gently stroked my thumb over Levi's knuckles. How could it be such nice weather on a day like this? If there really was a god, he was cruel and had a dark sense of humor when it came to our lives. Regardless, I still found myself praying that Levi and Hanji and the others would wake up soon and that Erwin would be able to retrieve Eren and Ymir from those two traitors. There was no way to tell if my silent prayers would be answered or even heard until those things happened or didn't. It was a fight against time and right now it looked as if we were losing that battle...

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