15. A Game With No Losers (L)

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Reader POV

I was getting really frustrated with this no alone time shit now that I was fully recovered and back in training. Levi was loaded with paperwork and I was always so exhausted at night from training and cleaning that I would go to bed before I could even think to go to his office for some 'us time'. At first, I just wanted some innocent alone time to reconnect after my week alone in titan territory but that quickly turned into sexual frustration. The more I thought about the stoic Corporal, the more I recalled the night we'd had sex. I'd really enjoyed it and I found myself imagining us doing that again but in other places and positions. He'd awakened something inside of me that time and I was feeling the effects of it now. I wanted that feeling again. I wanted to see him like that again. But I also had a strong desire to please him this time as well. I wanted to give him pleasure outside of the basic intercourse part of things.

I found myself daydreaming about it during dinner one evening in the mess hall but Sasha pulled me out of my fantasies by tapping my shoulder. I blinked a few times and looked over at her, setting my spoon down on the tray next to my bowl of untouched bean soup. "Yeah, Sasha?" I asked and she pointed at my unfinished soup and bread roll. I rolled my eyes at her drooling, pleading face and picked up my bread roll to take a bite of it while pushing the tray with the bowl of soup over to her. "Go ahead. I'm gonna turn in early. Night guys." I said to the rest of the group of cadets as I pushed myself up from the bench. They all said goodnight back and I waved to them as I walked off, finishing off my bread roll on the way through the halls. I was initially going to actually go back to my room but changed course halfway there to make my way to Levi's office. I was going to do something about this sexual frustration that was getting all pent up over the last couple of days...


I knocked on the door when I reached it and I heard a deep monotone voice respond from behind it. "Name and business," I blew a bit of air out of my nose in slight amusement before answering him. "Cadet (Name). I wanted to talk to you, Corporal." I said formally, not knowing who else might be in his office and I didn't want to make it obvious that I was here for anything that wasn't related to our jobs as soldiers. "Come in," He said after a short silence and I opened the door, stepping inside then closing it again behind me. Nobody was here but him. I smiled a little, slyly locking the door and walking over to his desk. I leaned my hands on it, standing on the opposite side of the desk from where he sat.

Levi POV

I looked up from my paperwork to meet her eyes as she leaned over my desk and was surprised to see the glint of playful lust in them. To be honest, I'd been wanting some more action since she got back but I didn't expect her to take the reins and make the first move. I would have gone after her first if Erwin hadn't given me so much damn paperwork. Maybe I could take a break? After all, she was here and that look in her eyes told me she was fully willing to get a bit frisky. "What did you want to talk about, Cadet?" I asked her, playing along for the moment as if I hadn't noticed the look she was giving me. "Well, Corporal... I think you're being worked too hard. Perhaps you could take a break and let me help you relax a bit?" She asked me, the tone of her voice dropping to a husky seductive one. I saw a slight smirk pull on the corner of her mouth and I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked at her. "Alright. I'll play your little game."

She smiled and stood, walking around the desk to stand right in front of me as I pushed my chair away from my desk a bit more. I slowly looked her over from head to toe and then back again, watching as she put a subtle sway in her hips as she walked to me, her fingers trailing along the edge of my desk. When she stood in front of me, she eyed me, that same playful, lusty look in her (e/c) eyes but it was stronger now. I raised an eyebrow at her as a silent cue for her to continue with whatever her little plan was. I expected her to climb onto my lap or lean down and kiss me or something but she didn't. Instead, she moved to walk around my chair until she stood behind me. I turned my head to look at her as she placed her hands on my shoulders and began to give them a gentle massage.

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