16. Bad Choice of Opponent

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Reader POV

I didn't return to my shared dorm with Sasha and Mikasa that night, spending it all snuggled up in bed with Levi despite that he didn't sleep much while I slept more soundly than I could ever remember. At the time, I didn't think of the suspicion it would raise. The whole squad had seen Levi and I kiss when I came back from titan territory but none of them actually knew the extent of our relationship.

Mikasa and Sasha both gave me an odd look when I sat down at our table in the mess hall the next morning. "(Name), you alright? You weren't in the dorm last night..." Sasha said, taking another bite of her bread roll. All attention was suddenly on me and I sighed, nodding. "Yeah, I just didn't feel too well last night so I slept in the infirmary instead. Didn't want to get you guys sick if I had something." I lied through my teeth and Sasha accepted it easily, as did the boys. But Mikasa didn't appear to believe me. She didn't say anything though so I began eating my breakfast in silence while everyone around me chatted amongst themselves.

Mikasa looked pretty pissed off with me, which had been the norm since she and the others in Squad Levi had seen me and the Corporal kiss in the infirmary when I returned. I had been under the impression that she and Levi weren't on the best terms but I supposed that the fact they were cousins meant something to her regardless of how she felt about him as a person. It was a little intimidating how she stared at me with such cold anger in those grey eyes. It was the same look she gave Jean when he and Eren would fight. I had been in a pretty good mood before she looked at me like that and with my slightly sore hips bothering me, it was enough to get my attitude problem to rear its ugly head again.

"You got a problem with me, Ackerman?" I asked drying, glaring right back at her from across the table and the boys (plus Sasha) turned to give us their attention. Armin looked a little nervous, as did Jean. They could feel the electricity between Mikasa and I as we stared each other down from across the table. "Yeah. I do." She said slowly, her tone icy and I saw Armin shudder out of the corner of my eye as I pushed my tray over to Sasha and stood up, leaning my hands on the table in front of me. "What might that be?" She stood as well, her eyes narrowing to further intensify the glare. I held her stare, not backing down which probably wasn't my smartest idea. "Stay away from my cousin."

I couldn't help but laugh at that, watching her walk around the table to stand beside me. I turned to face her, raising an eyebrow at her. "And why should I? Do you want to fuck him too? Like how you want to get down Eren's pants?" That comment earned me a hard punch right to the stomach and I grunted in pain at the impact and went flying right into poor Jean who had been seated beside me at the table. We both fell to the ground but I was quick to get up off him, launching myself at Mikasa. She moved to lodge my punch aimed at her face but I managed to quickly twist around and grab her hair instead, yanking on it. I pulled her head right to mine to give her a nasty headbutt. We both stumbled back slightly after it and I rubbed my forehead with a wince of dull pain from it. Talk about hardheaded... Geez. "You're too young for him, too weak, too stupid." She snarled at me, and I wasn't sure if she truly meant the last thing or if she was still salty that I had been promoted to a squad leader before her. Either way, it didn't matter. It only made me angrier.

Mikasa flung herself at me and I tried to dodge but she caught me in an arm lock and slammed my face into the table. "You're just mad that Erwin picked me to be a squad leader over you." I spat, my voice sounding a little weird because my cheek was pressed against the wooden table. "Not at all. Just stay away from my cousin you freak." I bit the inside of my cheek at her comment and with great effort managed to push myself up from the table and get out of the arm lock she had me in. I snatched a fork off the table and got into a proper fighting stance. "It's a bit late for that, Ackerman. I've already slept with him. Last night to be exact." She moved faster than before to land a kick to my side and I staggered back a step to keep my balance. As I was distracted, Mikasa grabbed my wrist in a crushing grip. "Aww, look, you're jealous I got to him first, is that it? Incest freak." I taunted with a slight laugh that gave away my underlying nervousness... Bad idea.

She took my arm and brought it swiftly down as she brought her knee up to connect it with my face. I would have fallen backward but she still had a hold on my arm. She whipped me around to face away from her and pushed me to the ground on my stomach, stepping harshly on my back and pulling back on my arm. I gritted my teeth in pain as she continued to pull on it until my shoulder actually popped right out of its socket. My eyes watered and I swear she would have actually ripped my arm off if she hadn't been interrupted by an angered deep voice. "Cadet Ackerman, my office. Now. Cadet Kirschtein, take Cadet (Last Name) to the infirmary. The rest of you, finish your meals and get to your training."

Mikasa gave me one final death glare before she pulled away from me and walked over to where Commander Erwin stood in the doorway to the mess hall, following after him to his office. I sat up and sighed heavily, running the hand on my uninjured arm through my hair as I looked up at Jean who offered me his hand to help me to my feet. I didn't argue or snap at Jean, my anger went away just as suddenly as it'd shown up; I took his offered hand and let him pull me to my feet, following him slowly to the infirmary, cradling my injured arm with my other hand so I wouldn't bump it into anything.

"So... You and the Corporal, huh? Didn't really see that coming. I mean, we all saw you guys kiss that one time but I didn't think it was like that already." Jean said, laughing awkwardly as he tried to just lighten the mood and make some conversation on our way to the infirmary. "Yeah, I guess. What the hell was Mikasa's problem? She doesn't even like Levi so why does she even care what I do with him?" I huff as we reached the infirmary and I sat down on one of the cots as Jean took my injured arm carefully and looked at me. "This is probably gonna hurt." I just nodded at his warning and bit my lip and he set my dislocated shoulder back into place. I whined in pain but it felt better not long after now that it was back in its socket. "Don't move that arm, okay? I'll go get a sling for you." He said calmly and walked off to the back room of the infirmary to look for cloth to use as a sling for my arm.

Jean came back a minute or so later and carefully put my injured arm in the sling so I wouldn't move it for a while. "I didn't know you were such a good nurse, Jean. Thank you." I saw his cheeks turn a dusty pink and he avoided eye contact with me. So much for the cocky bastard that he usually was. I smiled slightly at the sight and moved to get up from the cot I was seated on. "You're welcome, (Name)."

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