9. Odd Talks

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Reader POV

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of Commander Erwin's office, a little nervous about what he would think of this strange request I was here to talk about. After a short moment of gathering my thoughts, I knocked sharply on the door and waited for permission to enter the room. Instead of getting verbal permission, Erwin came right to the door and opened it. It was a little surprising but I gave him a salute and he stepped aside for me to enter. "Have a seat, (Name). What brings you here? You look troubled." He asked as he walked back to his desk and sat in his chair.

I followed after him and sat in one of the chairs across the desk from him, holding eye contact with him when he looked over at me. "Well, I've got a rather strange request..." I watched his eyebrows raise slightly with interest and he leaned forward in his chair, placing his elbows on his desk and lacing his fingers together before resting his chin on them. "You've got my attention. What is this request of yours?" "I'd like to step down from being a Squad Leader and join the Special Operations Squad as a senior cadet," I told him, happy with my restraint from stuttering as this was a little nerve-wracking. Erwin looked surprised but not upset at the request. He sat back in his chair and rubbed his chin with one hand, the other arm crossed over his chest.

"That would mean you would have to go back to being bossed around by Levi. Are you sure that's what you want? You two hated each other's guts before that little project at the cabin. And Hanji said the progress seemed good but neither of you really talked unless you had to. I'll need Levi's confirmation that he wants you on his squad first." Erwin said slowly, appearing to be deep in thought about this new development. I listened patiently and nodded, leaning back a little to dig into the pocket of my uniform pants and pull out a folded up piece of paper that I then handed over to Erwin. "Levi gave me that in case you were unsure."

Erwin took the paper and unfolded it, his eyes reading over the small letter written in Levi's perfect handwriting. He set it down a few long moments later and cleared his throat, locking eyes with me again. "I see. I'll allow it. It appears that Levi would like you to share a dorm with another squad member. If I recall correctly, the only squad member lacking a roommate at the moment is Cadet Arlert. Considering the fact that Arlert is a male, I can't allow you to share a room with him. For now, you can stay in the officer's room you currently have. I'll have a talk with Levi about sleeping arrangements later." His voice trailed off toward the end and he looked back down at whatever paperwork he had been doing before I showed up. I took that as a silent cue that I was allowed to leave and stood up, walking to the door. "Thank you, Commander," I said and gave one more salute before exiting his office.


I got my tray of food, scanning the mess hall for the familiar faces of my new squad. I heard them before I saw them, Jean and Eren bickering loudly as usual. I walked toward the sound of their angered voices and sat down in the empty seat next to Jean. The bickering was quickly silenced by my arrival since nobody expected me to be here... Seemed Levi hadn't told them the news yet that I was joining their squad.

"Squad Leader (Name), what're you doing here?" Armin piped up curiously but trying to be polite about it. I looked over at the boy and hesitated only a second. "I'm just a cadet like you again. I'm joining Squad Levi as of today." I got right to eating my bland stew and bread as Jean and Eren began to bicker again. I wasn't really in a talking mood right now and thankfully Armin and Mikasa began to chat with each other about something irrelevant. Sasha and Connie were nowhere to be seen, probably still getting their food or pranking somebody.

I looked up when the bickering stopped again and Jean placed his arm on my shoulder, great, not this again. Before Jean could speak or I could do anything, a stern voice spoke up from behind us. "Hands to yourself, Kirschtein." We both looked behind us to see Levi standing there with his tray of food, looking bored. Jean took his arm off my shoulder and went back to eating the last bit of his dinner as Levi moved to sit on the other side of the table, right across from me. I offered him a grateful nod and he returned it before we both began eating again.

When Levi finished his dinner, he stood and picked up his tray, stopping next to me on his way to wash his dishes. "I'd like to see you in my office when you're done eating." He said plainly and walked off after he got a nod of acknowledgment. I finished the last bit of my bread roll and collected my tray, leaving the table to wash my dishes and then head off to Levi's office. When I got there he was standing against the wall outside the room waiting. "Come in." He said and pushed himself from the wall to go into his office, leaving the door open for me to follow. I closed it behind me and watched him sit down on his couch, crossing his legs and crossing his arms over his chest. He looked as though something was bothering him.

"Corporal, why did you want to see me?" I asked, deciding to play this off as a more formal visit since he appeared to have something important to talk about as he eyed me. "Sit down. I'm confused about some things you did this morning." I nodded and walked over to sit on the other end of the couch, giving him my full attention. This was probably about that kiss I gave him, I wouldn't be surprised. "What're you confused about, sir?" He was quiet for a moment, trying to decide how he wanted to word his questions and concerns.

"First off, why did you kiss me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me as he waited for a response. "Well, maybe I read the situation wrong but your actions and little speech gave me the impression that it would be okay if I did... It was also to get you to shut up." He hummed in thought at my response, looking away from my eyes to study the floor in front of him. "I see..." "Am I in trouble for my actions, sir?" I asked, suddenly a little worried I may have just put a snag in the comfortable relationship we'd had until now but he shook his head and met my eyes again. "No, it's fine. I suppose some part of me wanted you to do that too. Moving on... You mentioned that you also wanted a different kind of closeness with me. Is it correct of me to assume that your actions and words have a relation? You wish for something more... physical with me?"

Levi POV

I watched her reaction very carefully to that question. Her eyes flicked down away from mine to look at her lap as her hands fiddled with the hem of her shirt. She looked hesitant and nervous to answer that. I didn't blame her, this was a pretty awkward topic but I needed to be sure what I was assuming wasn't wrong before I did anything I might regret otherwise. After what seemed like forever the girl nodded and looked back up at me. There was a knock on the door before I could say anything else and I sighed in annoyance at the interruption. "Name and business," I called out from where we sat on the couch. "Cadet Arlert, sir! The Commander wants to see you in his office." I rolled my eyes and stood from my seat then walked over to the door to open it. "Training starts tomorrow at 8, (Name). Don't be late." I ordered her just so that Armin wouldn't get the wrong idea about why she was in here.

She looked a little disappointed that someone had interrupted but she also understood that it wasn't the best idea to keep the Commander waiting when he requested someone's presence in his office. I left and hear her footsteps behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see Armin and her walking off in the opposite direction and sighed. Damn that Erwin and his interruptions. I'd just have to continue this conversation with (Name) tomorrow after training...

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