8. Late Night; Late Morning

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Levi POV

I opened the door just enough to peek out and took a step back in surprise, opening the door more when I saw who was on the other side of it. (Name). "Shouldn't you be resting?" I asked her as she walked into the room and I closed the door behind her quietly. She didn't respond. I turned to get a better look at her now that she was in my moonlit office. Her hair was messy and her eyes were pink and puffy from crying. She held a spare pillow close to her chest and only wore a too-big button up that looked suspiciously like one of mine that had gone missing at the cabin. She was taller than me by only two inches but her torso was shorter than mine so the shirt was the perfect length to cover everything though I assumed she had some kind of underwear on if she was walking about the halls. And she didn't strike me as someone who would skip wearing undergarments.

We both stayed quiet as I took in her appearance and she took in mine. My hair slightly messed up from tossing and turning in bed and my eyes had darker than usual circles underneath them from being unable to sleep. I had loose fitting plain grey sweatpants on and a plain white button up only buttoned up halfway. We stared at each other for a moment longer before she broke it and turned around to go over to the couch in the office, placing her pillow down against one of the arms. I watched her slow, tired movements as she laid down on the couch, curled up and facing the back of it.

I was honestly confused by this situation, nobody ever really came to me for comfort. And she could have gone to someone else, like Mikasa. Or even that shitty brat, Eren. They were friends, right? Actually, I had no idea if she had anyone else that she was close to... I raised an eyebrow at her back as I still stood near the door in silence. Had she come to me because she had no one else?

I sighed and walked into my bedroom, grabbing one of the two blankets on my bed and then going back out to where she lay on the couch in my office. "If you're gonna stay here at least cover up so you don't freeze." I scolded her lightly, keeping my voice quiet and my tone as soft as I could manage it though it still sounded sorta like my usual gruff tone. She turned her head to look up at me with those sad, watering (e/c) eyes and I frowned, carefully putting the blanket over her so that she was fully covered. I then sat down at the end of the couch, making sure to lift her feet up before I sat so I wouldn't hurt her. She curled up a bit more and pulled the blanket around her, staring at the back of the couch, still not talking to me. But I suppose there was no need.

I rested a hand on her calf that was covered by the blanket, occasionally giving it a soothing rub as I stared up at the ceiling, waiting for her to fall asleep. I didn't know how else to comfort her despite knowing exactly how she must feel right now about losing her squad on her first expedition as a squad leader. I looked down and over at her face after about a half hour and found her sleeping peacefully, a few tears still on her cheeks and at the corners of her eyes. I frowned again and got up from the couch, careful not to disturb her and walked closer to where her head was before reaching down to very gently wipe away the tears with my thumb. I gave her hair a gentle ruffle and retreated to my bedroom, leaving the door open so I'd be able to hear her if she woke up and started crying again.

This time I was able to find sleep quite easily, loosely curled up on my left side, facing the center of my bed...

Reader POV

I only slept for about an hour before a nightmare woke me up and I sat up on the couch with a sharp inhale, panting afterward as I looked around my surroundings. Thank god that was just a dream. I was still safe in Levi's office on his couch, but now I was nervous to try and go back to sleep. I sighed as my heart finally stopped its erratic pounding and returned to its normal steady beat, uncovering myself and swinging my legs over the side of the couch. I stood and left my pillow and the blanket on the couch, walking into Levi's bedroom after spotting the open door, my bare feet quietly padding on the wooden flooring.

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