The music store

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He followed me all the way here and at every stop asked me a lot of questions and now I have to answer them fun. We walked into the music store and I said,"Hey Patrick"to the cashier while I tapped my hands on the counter."Can I use the drums today?"

"Again, why don't you just buy them?" Patrick asked.

"Because I don't have the money." I said. "oh and this is Dan. my roommate and this is Patrick. when I got here this is the first place I came before I went to the apartment well before that I went to get a motorcycle but besides the point this is my place. Welcome. now I am going to use the drums." I said as I wondered off to the drums. I started drumming and I tuned into it so I lost track of time. once I took a break I noticed that it was getting dark. "Can I try the bass?"I asked.

"Sure" Patrick said. He handed me the guitar and I played it for a while until Dan stopped me and said,"Okay it's getting late we should go."

I nodded in agreement and said,"Bye Patrick see you tomorrow!"

Dan and I raced back home on our motorcycles. I beat Dan and when we got home I threw my hands in the air in victory. I parked my motorcycle and he parked next to me."Nice."

"I could say the same to you. but I seriously didn't expect this from you, it's, awesome!"

"Whatever." I shrugged off. we went inside and I plopped onto the couch and turned on the T.V.

"How do you react to horror movies?" he asked with a smirk like I can't handle them, sexist much. I acted like I was scared for my amusement later. "Let's turn one on then." he said."How about Halloween or Friday the 13?"

We watched the grudge after a bunch of decision making. I was on the edge of my seat holding a pillow. smiling really big whispering,"DIE, DIE, DIE!" what they deserve it for being idiotic.

When it ended I was on the coffee table laying on my stomach. I got up and started to walk to the kitchen to get a water bottle. "Were you scared?" I heard someone behind me. did he not see me or hear me?

"Nope." I said not turning around as I added,"I've seen it a lot." He looked surprised."Sexist much" I said as I rolled my eyes. He was about to say something as someone knocked on the door. It must be one of his friends or something, I hope. Oh my god it's...


Sorry if you didn't like this chapter.

Plz comment your ideas here I might use them.

Til next time.

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