One - My 50 year old boyfriend

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Meow; You have a new message!

I've been waiting for this all day. I slide the lock on my screen to look at the message.

@ youcompletemess; I finally have time to talk :-)

Me(@ UrAmericanIdiot); Oh Hi again!

So @ youcompletemess is a guy I met on Meow. No, not the sound cats make Meow but Meow the app where you can meet new people. I met him in a group chat. Nobody was talking to me because I'm a complete newb so I just mentioned some bands, then he messaged me privately. I hadn't even seen his name pop up in the group chat, I guess he's just one of those observers that only talk to people when they spark an interest in him. We talked mostly about bands...specifically my favorite band in the universe; 5 Seconds Of Summer.

Usually guys at my school, my guy friends, and my male family members laugh at me for liking any kind of band that includes guys; they automatically assume they're gay. How does being in a band mean that someone is gay? I expressed my feelings about that to @ youcompletemess and he said he liked 5 Seconds Of Summer, too. I was the happiest girl on the world to talk to somebody who knows the difference in boy bands and boys whom are in bands.

The only thing I haven't really talked to @ youcompletemess about is the fact that I won't ever meet them. I haven't had the chance to rant about how much I want to tell them personally about how they've saved me, even though plenty of girls tell them. It just makes me upset knowing that they won't ever know how much their 5SOS fan loves them and how they've changed our lives individually. It makes me sad. Even if I did get to meet them, I'd feel so selfish and I would cry, but I wouldn't cry because I would be meeting them, I would cry because there are millions of girls in the world who are in the fandom that totally deserve to meet them. It would honestly be one of the best and completely worst thing that could ever happen to me.

I hear my phone go off again, making me stop thinking about them in such deep thought.

@ youcompletemess; I bet you've had a boring day without me.

I roll my eyes; one thing I've learnt about him is that he's very sarcastic and hilarious. We don't always talk about bands, we talk about like in general a lot. We've definitely gotten closer in a month than I have gotten with anyone in awhile, besides my best friend Haley.

Me; I dip dyed my hair red today, I baked, and I read a whole book in a day; I was very productive. I'm very proud of myself!

@ youcompletemess; That doesn't sound productive unless you did all three things at the same time.

Me; Don't rain on my parade, douche. -.-

@ youcompletemess; HEY


@ youcompletemess; Have you heard the whole album yet?

-Oh wait you live in America!

Me; Im not even mad, guess who downloaded it illegally?

@ youcompletemess; Every 5SOS fan in America?

Me; Including me.

I press send as soon as Haley barges into my room.

"Are you talking to that guy again?" Oops, I forgot she's coming over to use wifi, because I guess hers keeps messing up and she's working on a book.

"Stop being a party pooper as soon as you barge in here." I laugh.

"He's going to end up being one of those 50 year old creeps that stalk pretty 17 year old girls online to plot a scheme to kidnap them." She plops down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

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