Eleven - The Lecture

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"I didn't even know you were sexually active!" She gets up and paces back and fourth. "Did you even use protection?"

"Yes mum we did." He traces circles on my hand.

"Since when have you known about this?" She sighs. "What are you going to do about this?"

"We've known about this since yesterday and its obviously as much my fault as it is his fault." I finally say something because I feel bad for him being the only one talking so far.

"Yes and where are your parents?" She asks.

"My dad is dead and my mom told me she didn't want me." Luke snaps his head towards me when I say that.

"When did she say that?" He questions me.

"The night I left." I feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

Liz's facial expression softens. I'm not sure if it's because of what I said about my parents or the fact that I'm on the verge of crying.

"I'm really sorry It's just he's my baby and you're still a baby and babies aren't suppose to have babies." She sits down next to me. "I'm sorry about your parents."

"It's fine." I shrug my shoulders and wipe away my tears before Luke gets to.

"I will tell your dad." She says to Luke. "Have you already gotten all your vitamins and made future appointments to see a family practitioner or OB/GYN?"

"No and no." I lay my head back on Luke's arm.

"Okay lets go." She takes Luke and I to the store and helps us pick out prenatal vitamins and she shows me the things I need to be getting and Luke ends up buying everything she says we are going to need.

"We didn't need to get this all now." I keep my voice low.

"It's better to get it now than later." He shrugs his shoulders.

"I guess so." I grab a bag and Luke takes it from me. "I can carry something."

"No it's okay." We walk out to the car -surprisingly - without any fans bombarding us.

"Okay now we need to make a plan. What are you going to do when it gets closer to delivery time?" we are all sitting down in the living room like earlier.

"I haven't thought about that.." I rub my temples. "I'm sorry." I sigh.

"Well I'm here to help you right now." She smiles a little. "You shouldn't fly on a plane during your last month."

"I'm due the week of May 1st, the last four weeks would be like the whole month of April." I answer.

"You will need to be somewhere stable then in case you go into labor early or something." She informs. "What's going on with the band then?" She turns to Luke.

"Our Europe/UK tour starts May 4th." He says as he looks at his phone. "Where do you want to have the baby?"

I think for a moment. "Where do you want me to have the baby?"

"I was hoping Sydney but if you have any ideas then..."

"I'm okay with Sydney." I smile. "Are we going to stay here?"

"Of coarse you are." Liz says. "Where else would you stay?" Its a rhetorical questions so I don't answer.

We spend the rest of the day writing down literally everything we need and checking off the things we have.. which isn't a lot.

I call Haley while Luke is taking a shower. "Haley I'm so tired."

"Then go to sleep." She acts like it's that easy.

"I can't." I groan.

"Why is that?" She asks.

"I have a billion things going on right now so I can't." I sigh. "Never knew I'd get knocked up at eighteen."

"Well we don't have time machines so I'm here whenever you need to yell at someone without them getting mad." She offers.

"Well thank you." I say as Luke walks in the room.

"Haley?" He asks.

I nod my head. "Hey I will talk to you later."

"Okay bye bae." She says and hangs up the phone.

"You didn't have to stop talking to her." He plops down on his bed in only his boxers.

"You should get pants on." I laugh.

"I will." He groans and gets up to slip on PJ pants and a shirt. "Your turn."


Tonight I can't sleep. There are a billion things roaming my mind. I'm thinking about the baby, our relationship, and how fans are going to react.

"Luke are you still up?" I whisper.

"Mhmm" he answers. "I can't go to sleep unless you do."

"That's weird." I giggle.

"What's on your mind?" He rests his head on his hand.

"Everything." I put my hand on his cheek. "Have you thought about names?"

"No." He frowns. "Was I suppose to?"

"No no no it's fine I just didn't know if you had any in mind." I kiss him.

"Let's brain storm."

We stay up thinking about a bunch of names for boys and girls. I tell him everything that's on my mind...how I'm afraid our relationship won't be the same after the baby is born and other things. We stay up all night and sleep all morning.

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