Four - Thank God I'm Eighteen

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We're on our way back to my house and I am trying to contain my excitement. Haley looks like she's hiding a lot of excitement also and a little nervousness. I think I'm too excited to be nervous, if that makes any sense.

"How old are you now Aly?" Ashton tries to make conversation.

"Eighteen." I fidget with my hands.


I smile really big and bite my finger.

"Why are you biting your finger?" Calum questions me.

"No reason." I shrug and hold in all my fangirl just waiting to burst.

"Okay..." He obviously doesn't believe me but he's willing to let it go, thank god.

"So Luke and Alyson, when are you going to get together?" Michael winks at us.

"When are you and Haley going to get together?" Luke winks back at Michael.

Oh this is the best thing ever. I still can't believe this is even happening. I actually think I kep forgetting to breathe. Actually, my eyes are really dry so I probably need to remember to blink also.

"Okay so um we're almost there." I get nervous. 

Ten minutes later Haley pulls into the drive way. "I have to pee." Ashton jumps out of the car.

"Okay hold on." I grab my keys and open the door. "Down the hall, last door on the left,"

Ashton bolts down the hall and to the bathroom and I laugh. The drive wasn't that long but I guess he probably forgot to go before the show. 

"Would you guys like anything to drink or eat?" I ask from the kitchen.

"We can order pizza." Michael offers. "We need to celebrate your birthday and pizza is perfect for celebrating."

"Okay why not." I giggle and Haley gives me daggers.

I raise an eyebrow. I'm only giggling because he's funny, I don't want him because I love Luke and it's against girl code to like anyone your best friend likes. Of coarse I believe Michael is attractive but in a different way Luke is. What I feel for Luke is way different than anything I feel for anyone else. In conclusion I do not like Michael like that.

"Pizza is ordered so now what?" He asks everyone.

Ashton walks into the room and asks. "Do you have any bored games?"

"A whole closet full." I guide them to the game closet. "The game of life, Sorry, Monopoly, Uno..." I name off a few of the many bored games we have.

"What's the game of life?" Calum grabs it. "Let's play. I've never played it before."


Twenty minutes later we have pizza and are 10 minutes into the game. We decide to be on teams of two since there's an even amount of us and some game pieces are missing. Michael and Haley, Calum and Ashton, and Luke and I are the teams we split into.

"Move two spaces." Michael tells Haley. "Hey now we're marries Haley." He picks up a pink game piece and adds her to the van. Haley blushes and tells Ashton to go.

"Okay I need to move 5 spaces. 1, 2, 3, 4...Calum we now have 3 children." Ashton sighs. "That's a lot of kids you had to give birth to."

"Hey who said I was giving birth?" Calum argues.

"Well I'm not. I'm the male in this relationship."

"I'm the male in this whatever it is."

"I'm more manly than you are Calum."

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