Eight - Love Bites

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"Um Luke..." I close my eyes.

"Open your eyes babe." I hesitate but I open my eyes anyways. "Your clothes are wet so you might want to take those off..."

I blush a bright red. "Turn around..."

He turns around and I do too. This feels so awkward but I mean whatever, he knows I'm awkward.

I peel my wet clothes off and ring them out as much as I can.

"You're beautiful." He's actually looking into my eyes as he says that.

"U-um thank you." I stutter, damn it.

"You don't have to be nervous." He's close enough now to where our skin is touching. I don't say anything but I bite my lip as he brings his face closer to mine. Our lips meet and my feels are just..on FIRE.

He breaks off our kiss but continues down my neck to my collar bone. He starts making small purple bruises on the base of my neck until I stop him. "What if someone sees those?"

"I don't care right now." He continues. He grabs my hips and brings me closer. I feel him hard, causing me to breathe faster. "Jump." He commands and I obey, jumping then wrapping my legs around his waist.

He doesn't hesitate to slip his hard member into me and I cringe. He let's me get use to it for a moment before slowly thrusting into me. I can't control the moan that escapes my mouth which makes him thrust faster and harder. I dig my nails into his back. He grabs my hair and pulls making me moan a little louder. "Luke I-"

"Not yet" he says in between thrusts.

We both reach our climax and the same time.

He rests his forehead on mine. "I love you."

"I love you too Luke." I smile and kiss him one more time before drying myself off.

"Now what do I wear." I slip on my panties and clasp on my bra. I dig for some skinny jeans and tug them on.

"Here." He tosses a flannel towards me. "Wear that."

I put it on and button it up all the way or else someone would see the love bites Luke has given me.  "Hey turn around for a minute."

"You're still embarrassed after that?" Hr turns around anyways.

"No I'm not embarrassed I was just um checking your back..." I giggle. "..and you - um - have red marks on your back."

He laughs. "I won't wear a cut off today then." He takes his shirt off and puts a not cut up T-Shirt on.

I use the hair dryer the hotel has then straighten my hair with my flat iron. Luke does his hair and puts a snapback on.

"That's hot." I admit.

"You're hot." Luke smiles.

We are actually ready before Calum, Ashton, and Mikey come up for breakfast so we head down and eat with them.

"Alyson weren't you wearing a different shirt when we went down here...and pants?" Ashton points out.

"I decided to change." I try to brush it off but they kept talking about it.

"Into Luke's flannel." Calum winks.

"What did you guys do up there?" Michael elbows Luke lightly.

"Oh you know." Luke smiles at me and makes me blush.

"Damn it Luke." I cross my arms. He rests his hand on my thigh.

The guys laugh and go upstairs to get ready, leaving Luke and I to finish our breakfast.

"That made me feel awkward." I tell Luke.

"Hey don't be they were just teasing. They don't know what actually happened." He assures me and kisses my forehead.


"Testing testing" Ashton says into his mic.

I'm at soundcheck with the guys and a bunch of fans are here too. They're actually being nice to me even though they probably hate me for dating Luke.

"Alyson can you come over here!?" One fan yells.

I shrug and walk over to them. "Hello. How are you girls?" I ask.

"This is so awesome! You are so lucky to be dating Luke!" She squeals.

I smile big. "I know I am very lucky to have such a great guy but it's kind of hard sometimes. It's worth it though."

"Are you wearing Luke's shirt?" Another asks.

"Yeah I am." Its kind of obvious since it's a little too long for me.

"Were you really a fan before you and Luke started dating?" The same girl asks.

"Oh definitely." I laugh. "This is my second concert of theirs and I'm so happy. I want to fangirl then I want to die on the ground but then I remember that he will laugh at me after if I do that. I could just sit here and talk to you guys all day to be honest."

"Will you? That would be awesome! By the way my name is Carrie, this is Leah, and this is my older brother Ben." He looks a year or two younger than me.

"Hi Ben." I say and smile

He smiles back and says "You're beautiful."

"Oh uh thanks." I laugh awkwardly.

"Hey you! No laughing! Its against the rules!" Luke points to me and the crowd of girls laugh.

"I don't have to listen to you!" I shout back.

"Don't make him come over there!" Ashton says in this weird voice.

"I dare you!"

He actually walks off stage and over to where I'm standing and the girls around are screaming. He puts his arm around my waist.

"Why'd you come over here?" I ask.

"They've been trying to fix Calums mic for awhile and I didn't want to just stand there." He shrugs and turns to Carrie, Leah, and Ben. "Hey girls and guy."

"Luke will you pose with Alyson so we can get a picture of you two?" Leah asks as she pulls out her phone.

"We haven't ever taken pictures like this have we?" He asks me.

"I don't think so." We step back a few steps and take a cute picture then take pictures with the girls.

"Can I have a picture with you?" Ben asks me.

"Um sure." I stand next to him and he puts his arm around me. I look at Luke and he looks kind of jealous, oh geez. I smile for the picture and stand by Luke again. "Are you mad?"

"Not at you." He pulls me closer.

"You should get back up there." I kiss his cheek.

"That guy is clearly into you so I'm not sure if I want to anymore.." At least he's being honest with me.

"I will sit off stage." He helps me up stage.

They play a couple songs to assure everything is okay with the sound and everyone leaves.

"You know you doing have to be jealous right? I'm clearly yours." I grab Luke's hand.

"Well when another guy flirts with you I'm going to get jealous." He answers.

"Well I love you and only you." 

"I love you too Aly." He pulls me closer and kisses my forehead.

I love him so much

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