Six - Get a room

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"Ugh what do you guys do while you're on the bus for house besides eat, play video games, or watch the television?" I complain.

"Well I use to talk to you..." Luke thinks for a moment. "Yeah that's all I wanted to do but now you're here so we need to have fun."

"Yeah, really what should we do?" Ashton joins the conversation.

"Well we won't be on the bus for much longer because we are almost to the hotel. We can do stuff after the interview we have." Calum walks to the back from the front of the bus. I'm guessing he checked with the driver to see how long it was going to be.

"Okay. We need to do something really fun..." I think for a moment. "Ooh what about taking me to get my hair done?" I suggest. 

"We can do that." Calum agrees.

"Didn't you just do that to your hair?" Luke points to the red koolaid.

"Yeah but I'm bored with it. Would you still love me if I dyed my hair purple?" I ask Luke.

"Why would I not love you anymore if you dyed your hair?" He is legitimately confused. "Who would do that?"

"A lot guys." I roll my eyes at the though of countless exes who dumped me because I changed my hair color a lot.

"Well I'm not a dick." I swear I'm going to die of a heart attack because of Luke Hemmings's smile.

"I know you aren't." I kiss him.

"Get a room!" Calum throws a throw pillow at me.

"Maybe we will." I'm shocked at Luke picks me up effortlessly and takes me to the back room and locks the door. He lays me on the floor and hovers over me.

"Hi." I giggle very awkwardly.

"Hi." He replies with a smile and leans in. His face gets closer and closer to mine and I get really nervous. Its not like I haven't kissed him before but I don't know even know what I'm thinking. This time he kisses me with much more passion than all the other times. The other times he's kissed me it was an Iloveyoukiss. This time it's an IloveyousofuckingmuchIwanttoripyourclothesoff kind of kiss. I feel the same but I really feel it when he kisses my neck. I accidentally moan quietly and he stops, looking at me cause me to hide my face. "No don't." He takes my hands away from my face. I bite my lip and caress his head in my hands. I bring his face closer to mine and this time I bring my A game. I run my fingers through it hair. I bite his lip which causes him to smile in the middle of it.

We stop there because we are teenagers and if we didn't stop there who knows what could happen with all these hormones and shit.

"We might want to go out there before they assume other things." Luke unlocks the door.

"Um first fix your hair." I blush a little. He turns around to look in the mirror. He isn't able to fix it right now so he finds a beanie and puts it on. "They're going to assume anyways."

He shrugs his shoulders and enter twines his fingers with mine.

"I was just about to go get you guys. We're here." Ashton turns around and grabs a bag.

"Um do you have a bag I can borrow?" I ask Luke. I don't really want to keep my bulky bags up with us if I'm not even going to use 3/4 of anything in them.

"Just throw whatever in mine." He slips his sun glasses on.

"You look hot." I laugh nervously.

He grabs something out of his bag. "Turn around." I feel him put something on my head and I'm told to turn around again then he fixes the front. "You looked hot before but you're ever hotter now."

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