01 ♡ Bus boy

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It was strange, surprising; Sehun actually did not quite know how to describe it. All he could say was that whenever he took bus 520, he would see this person sitting at the very back, staring outside the window. He had let it pass in the beginning as mere coincidence, but it had been two months already. Two months of being in the same bus with this stranger, and it was beginning to make Sehun think. He was certain it could not be coincidence anymore, since he did not take the bus on regular times – the bus went to his friend Jongin's neighborhood, and he only took the bus when he had time to visit him.It was strange.

Just like today. He had promised Jongin to go over to his house, since his friend was going to have a dance competition very soon and Sehun wanted to help him. The moment after he had stepped into the bus and scanned his transport card, his eyes had found the figure sitting at the back. His dark gold colored hair was short and straight. He did not wear anything special, just some casual clothes, as far as Sehun could see. It was just yet another day in the bus with this stranger.

But this time, Sehun was going to act different.

Even though there were plenty other empty seats, he walked all the way to the back. This time, he did not want to let the matter pass any longer. He was a quiet and shy person, but this was beginning to feel almost creepy. The moment Sehun took place on the empty seat next to him, the boy tore his eyes from the window. It was a first for Sehun, since every time, this person had his eyes glued to the window.

And was he mesmerized the moment he saw this person's face.

He had always been against describing a male as pretty, or beautiful, but for this once, he felt this strong urge to see it as an exception. His eyes were like those of an innocent deer, catching him the moment the boy looked into his eyes.

"That seat is taken."

His voice, Sehun thought, was extremely pleasant to listen to. It sounded soothing, and it was calm. Moments later, Sehun's eyes flickered in surprise upon processing what the boy had just said, finally having control over himself again.


"The seat you're sitting on," He repeated while pointing, "it's taken."

Sehun was taken aback by his words. Not only did Sehun find it unusual what the boy had just said, but he was also surprised by the way this person had spoken those words. Now that he took the time to think about it more carefully, he realized just how much he did not like someone taking place on this seat.

"Taken? By whom?"

The boy furrowed his eyebrows slightly.

"You don't have to know."

He said before turning his back to Sehun, his eyes fixed to whatever was outside the window again.


"Hey, Jongin, can I ask you something?"

Sehun asked as his eyes followed the fast dance steps his friend performed perfectly. He did not even know anymore why he said he would come to help Jongin, when obviously he did not need any help.

"Yes, of course."

"Well, for the past two months, whenever I take the bus to your place, I'll always see this boy in the same bus. It's quite scary, you know."

"Hmm." Was Jongin's reply.

"You know, I wasn't asking for your acknowledgement, I- Urgh, never mind."

Jongin stopped with dancing, a sigh leaving his lips as he took place on the ground next to Sehun.

"I know who you're talking about. The boy who always sits at the back of the bus, right?"

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