04 ♡ Worth the wait

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 "Would you like to go somewhere with me?"

Sehun should have said no. He should not have let those innocent eyes bore their way into his mind and make him agree. He should have been stronger. Though, all of this was much easier said than done, when he was burdened with all sorts of sins – an exaggerated definition but it really felt so terrible for him – that made him comply to anything the bus boy wanted him to do.

And in all honesty, what could ever happen when the bus boy most probably just wanted some company, since he was still too emotional to talk too much? Indeed. All he had to do was keep the boy company. Nothing more. Of course, it would not be the first time that Sehun thought he had it all planned out in his mind, only to be woken up by reality in the worst way possible.

"Do you like bubble tea?"

Luhan suddenly asked him, catching him off guard. Normally, he would almost have to drag Jongin with him for the sake of bubble tea, for Jongin disliked the drink very much. Not to mention that all his other friends instantly fled whenever he brought up the term 'bubble tea', after he had taken them with him countless times. So, it was quite a difference to have someone else ask him whether he liked bubble tea. Very different.

"A-Ah, yes..."

Luhan smiled a little, and Sehun could swear he felt his heartbeats increasing rapidly.

"Then I'll go buy you some. Wait for me."

Before Sehun could say anything, Luhan had already disappeared into the shop, leaving Sehun alone outside. Truthfully, this was not exactly what he had planned to happen. If it all was up to him to decide, he would have brought Luhan somewhere quiet - since he had been so certain the bus boy would be crying his eyes out - and even offer him a shoulder to cry on if necessary. They would part without words and if Sehun was lucky, he would not see the bus boy soon. Sehun should have known better than to believe that something like that would happen."Just believe me."

"Alright, I believe you."

Guilt. Painful guilt. If only Sehun had the courage to tell Luhan that it was him who had wrote that message, then things would have turned for the better. If only he told the bus boy that it was because of his curiosity, then at least the bus boy knew that it was all Sehun's doing. However, the more time passed... The less courage he had left. In other words, Sehun had chosen to keep the truth hidden and to cope with the guilt inside of him.

Was it the right decision?

Something deep inside of Sehun told him that he was making the biggest mistake in his whole life, but Sehun's conscious was using lots of energy to keep this thought pushed back deep inside the unconscious. Whether it was right or wrong really was not relevant anymore. Not when he had already created this web of lies, which he really could not bear to destroy. So... The only way to keep this all up was to keep up the lies. And just hope... He did not have to lie any more. He glanced inside the shop, where the bus boy was buying bubble tea.Yeah, he just hoped he did not have to lie any more.

Moments later, Luhan stepped outside the shop, holding onto two plastic cups of bubble tea. He glanced at them both before handing Sehun the original bubble tea.

"Here you go. I forgot to ask which taste you preferred, so I stayed safe and chose the original flavor."

He said while taking a sip from his own purple bubble tea, which Sehun recognized as taro flavor. Sehun took the bubble tea gratefully.

"It's okay, thank you."

"Which flavor do you like, actually? You seem the kind of person to suit the original flavor." The bus boy said while pointing to the drink in Sehun's hand.

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