06 ♡ Wrong, all wrong

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Sehun never meant to run away from Jongin. Jongin was his best friend and his presence meant a lot to Sehun, so no, by no means was his intention to avoid Jongin. However, Sehun knew Jongin long enough to understand what Jongin was implying when he glared at him angrily. Actually, everyone would be able to get that. He simply also knew the consequences if he tried to run away again.

It was quite easy to avoid talking to Jongin the first day, but so much harder the next day and almost impossible the day after. Maybe Sehun should be happy, really happy, to realize that Jongin put his presence so high, because Jongin had noticed his absence almost immediately and he had looked for him and the other would have found him straight away if Sehun was not so ridiculously good at escaping.

He felt like a little girl, really.

"Oh Sehun, stop right there."Freeze. It felt like he was caught, and he did not even did anything bad. Well, maybe he did. He wanted to believe he did not.

"You're avoiding me," Jongin stated as he approached him, eyes fixed on him intently.

"N-Not really," Sehun cursed intently at himself for stuttering at such a moment, "I've no idea what you're talking about."

"What's wrong with you?" Jongin asked sternly.

"Nothing." Sehun almost whispered, so low his voice was, "It's nothing."

"You're acting like an elementary scholar, Sehun, of course something's wrong with you."

This caused Sehun to grit his teeth in frustration. He did not need to hear this from Jongin. Not from him, anyone but him. Not when he was the cause for Sehun's shameful behavior.

"I just have a lot to do."

"We've the same classes," Jongin pointed out immediately, crushing his lie mercilessly.

Sehun bit his lip, trying to think of something else, "I... I want to think about things in peace."

That, fortunately, was not a lie, because he really was thinking about things and he really did want quietness and peacefulness. The fact that he was not lying made him a little bit more confident in front of Jongin, something he desperately needed at the moment.

"About what?"About you, me, us, Sehun wanted to say, but of course, he did not. That would sound too cheesy, too not Sehun, too not something for the two of them to talk about.

"About life."

If this was not supposed to be an utterly serious conversation, Sehun would have laughed at his own response. If this was not so important, but it really was, so this was not the moment to laugh at his own answers.

"You're not funny." Jongin eyed him before sighing, "Look, I don't know what's wrong with you all of a sudden, but I don't like it. You... Come over to my house after school today. I don't have practice."

Jongin always talked like that, and Sehun would always say no. That was just their way of communication. However, deep inside, Sehun knew. Deep inside, Sehun really liked the idea. Deep inside, this was all Sehun ever wanted from the start. He wanted to spend some time with Jongin, being sarcastic to each other and playing lame video games. He wanted to tease Jongin and he wanted to hear Jongin complaining about everything. He just wanted that. Nothing else, just that.

"And I'll introduce you to Kyungsoo." Jongin smiled warmly, "You two never really met each other before, and I want him to meet my best friend.""And I'll introduce you to Kyungsoo."That, though, did not sound good. That sounded wrong, all wrong. He did not need to know who Kyungsoo was. He did not need to meet Kyungsoo, Jongin's Kyungsoo. He did not need to see who that so-called Kyungsoo was, whoever he was. He had seen him once, and that was enough. Sehun was so caught up that it took him moments before he calmed down a little, his eyes blinking while he looked confused.

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