Part 24

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Chapter 23

"I'm afraid to ask," Astrid heard Valka mutter as Sigyn was still trying to get free and probably clobber Eret. She approached the people gathered there hesitantly and asked "Is there something the matter?"

"Something the matter? Something the matter?!" Sigyn growled. "I left for a few hours and my entire system has been......... REARRANGED!"

"They weren't in alphabetical order!" Eret shouted back as Sigyn still struggled to get free. Meixiu who appeared to have been hiding behind a secondary upturned table tried to shush Eret.

"They weren't supposed to be in alphabetical order!" Sigyn shouted.

"Okay, okay... maybe we should all calm down here." Valka suggested as she placed herself between Sigyn and Eret. She turned to Eret and asked "Is there a reason you rearranged everything?"

Eret flushed and said a bit embarrassed "I guess my OCD kinda took over. I couldn't help myself. I'm really sorry."

"Sigyn, Eret seems sorry that he ruined your system." Valka said. "I know you worked hard in this place but maybe you could let this go?"

Sigyn stilled for a moment and thought "I guess I overreacted," She muttered. "I can always rearrange the books again."

"See!" Valka clapped her hands together. "There is no need for such violence."

Sigyn nodded as the guards let go of her hesitantly. Eret also stopped cowering.

"That was amazing!" Astrid exclaimed as Valka returned to her. She saw Sigyn and Eret making up while Meixiu also came out of her hiding spot.

"You learn some diplomacy when you have a son and a husband fighting over the last chicken leg." Valka stated with a snort. "I'm assuming Sigyn was the one you wanted to see."

"Yeah but I think she needs to blow off some steam." Astrid said.

"Oh then I know just the perfect method." Valka smirked. "You three, want to come with us to the archery range?" Valka had shouted causing Eret, Meixiu and Sigyn to turn in their direction. "We can have a girl's night out tonight as well."

"But I'm not a girl," Eret mumbled.

"Yes....... We can see that," Meixiu stated as she looked Eret up and down. "For tonight you can be."

"Maybe I should get a head start on rearranging those books," Eret suggested as he broke out in cold sweat at the looks the women were giving him. Meixiu nodded to Sigyn and they each looped an arm around one of Eret's biceps and dragged him towards Astrid and Valka.

"Don't be such a scaredy cat." Meixiu stated. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"A lot!" Eret shout. "A LOT!"

The group of women made their way through the hallways and not even the guards were brave enough to try and save a squirming Eret.

Meanwhile, in another part of the very large palace Fishlegs found who he was looking for. "Jerry?" He called out as he knocked on the man's chamber doors. When Fishlegs heard nothing he knocked a bit louder only this time there came an explosion from the other side. Fishlegs jumped back as black smoke came out from under the door. It was opened a few seconds later by a soot covered Jerry. His black hair that was normally neatly tied in a ponytail was blown backwards and looked slightly burned. "Fishlegs?" Jerry asked surprised to see Fishlegs here.

"Yeah... uh..... Jerry, I have some questions for you." Fishlegs said. "Do you mind if I come in or could we go someplace private?"

"You can come in." Jerry said as he moved aside. The smoke filtered out as Fishlegs stepped into the room. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw the rows of bookshelves on one side.

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