Part 34

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Chapter 33

"Now now......" Jerry gulped and took a step back as Helblindi and Býleistr's gaze was turned on him.

"Why do you protest so much?" Helblindi rolled his eyes before picking up a protesting Jerry by his robes and heading upstairs.

"AAAH!" Jerry exclaimed in shock. Býleistr followed along as if this was normal and the gang looked at each other before heading upstairs as well.

Jerry ended up being unceremoniously deposited onto a snowy couch. The ice crystals puffed upwards as he looked at the two Frost giant princes in confusion.

"So tell us...." Býleistr began. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Whaaaaaaaat!" Jerry managed to sputter.

"They are more homely than I'd imagined." Astrid commented as they watched the interrogation. No one of the group was going to interfere as Jerry turned into a tomato. Hiccup raised a brow as Astrid mumbled "They remind me of my uncle Finn."

The princes however didn't get much time to find out much about Jerry because a guard barreled into the room shouting "Your Highnesses! The city is under attack!"

"WHAT?!" Both Helblindi and Býleistr shouted and turned in unison. There was fury in their eyes as Helblindi asked "Who dares attack us?!"

"It's the Fire Giants from Muspelheim. They're breaching the outer city walls." The soldier informed them. "Sutr himself is leading the invasion force."

Surprisingly it was Býleistr, the normally level-headed brother, who punched a hole in one of the ice columnbs while uttering "The cur dares to break the treaty?!"

The brothers dashed out of the throne room, nearly knocking the soldier out of the way. Hiccup, Astrid and the others all decided to follow after them. Instead of going down towards the main entrance of the palace, the brothers instead went up towards one of the higher laying balconies to observe. The clang of weapons classing and shouts of terror were what filled their ears as they peered at the battle near the outer wall.

"This is bad," Astrid mumbled as she saw civilians flee.

"Don't you have more soldiers?" Sigyn asked with a frown as she saw the Frost Giants getting pushed back.

"No..... we don't," Helblindi growled. "We have some in outlying villages but they would arrive too late."

"I told you to recruit more!" Býleistr uttered angrily.

"That's easy for you to say!" Helblindi shot back while glaring at his brother now. "We have little resources! Most able-bodied men and women stay to work the fields just so they can feed their families!"

"Will you two stop playing the blame game!" Hiccup suddenly shouted. "Just look! Your men need you right now!"

"There are twice as many enemies as we have soldiers." Býleistr muttered as his hands curled into fists. "If we don't think of a plan soon we will be slaughtered."

"The Valkyries might be able to even the odds," Sigyn suggested.

"Wait I got it!" Jerry suddenly said causing everyone to look in his direction. "How long would it take to get all the civilians into the palace?"

"Several of our soldiers have already been directing the people to evacuate towards the palace." Helblindi stated. "But this place won't hold against Sutr's full might."

"What do you have in mind kid?" Býleistr looked agitated as the screaming in the city continued.

"Let the Valkyries assault the Fire Giants from the air. Your soldiers should be able to evacuate the city faster." Jerry stated. "The snow is already a detriment to the Fire Giants. They are conserving their energy. We'll just have to make it snow more."

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