Part 33

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Chapter 32

The group stared wordlessly at Skuld once she had finished her prophecy. The lady in question gave a slight bow before leaving the throne room.

"Okay......... that was weird." Snotlout muttered. "What did that rhyme even mean?"

"I know some of the words from the sagas on Earth." Hiccup said as eyes fell on him. "Fimbulvetr refers to a great winter, Vígríðr in the sagas is supposed to be a battlefield where the battle of Ragnarok takes place. But mom should know more about this since she's the expert on Norse mythology."

"I know another thing too," Astrid relayed. "The Twilight of the Gods. There is a word for it in the Norse language, Ragnarøkkr. That's the same name as the bow we came to retrieve."

"So the entire prophecy has to do with the end of the Realms?" Dagur muttered incredulously as he stared at the path the Norn had taken just a few minutes ago. "Just who was she to make such bold claims?"

"She's a Norn." Loki shrugged. "They tend to do that."

"What? Sound the bells of war?" Býleistr asked with incredulity. "I still can't believe anything she said as the truth. Why do you accept it so easily?"

"Do you even know why the Norns are called the Fates?" Loki grumbled as he looked at the group. "Their predictions always come true. The bells of war have just been tolled and there isn't anything anyone can do about it."

"There is something I've been meaning to ask." Astrid suddenly spoke up. "Loki, you mentioned a tenth realm. What is it?"

"It is an old story. More like a myth even to the Aesir." Loki stated. "When Yggdrasil was created there were ten realms not nine. The timeless realm Taimheim was ironically lost in time and history."

"Wait... you don't mean......" Sigyn started and then frowned. "That tenth realm is just a fairytale."

"Just like the stories Asgardian mothers tell their children late at night about the Jothuns being the boogeymen? Or the story about Thor and that darn wedding dress." Loki countered. "There is truth even in fairytales."

Sigyn frowned but said no more as Loki continued. "Taimheim was the first Realm created by Ymir. A place where time was irrelevant. A place for her children." Loki stated. "Yes, I am saying that the Norns are direct descendants of Ymir and whatever lover she had. It's not that far of a stretch seeing as they have been alive through generations of Asgardian kings. They also have special gifts that can observe past, present and future."

"But something must have happened for the Realm to be destroyed. Only a handful of Norns are still alive." Sigyn uttered and she wasn't kidding. She only knew of three that were still around.

"Urðr, Verðandi and Skuld." Loki nodded. "They are the most prominent but that doesn't mean they are the only ones. It is entirely possible that their race survived and is in hiding."

"What exactly does it take to wipe an entire realm from history?" Hiccup suddenly asked.

"A lot," Jerry answered in his father's stead as he frowned. "It would take the collective armies of more than five realms."

"Or one irate superpowered woman." Loki stated. "There is another version of the tale on Svartálfaheimr that is only spoken of in hushed tones."

"Well....... Don't keep us in suspense." Helblindi grumbled.

"I heard this tale from a friend who was drunk one night so I am not sure how accurate it is." Loki sighed. "But essentially it tells of how the Norns refused to take a side in some great war. They were punished by having their Realm wiped from existence by a great power. The more I look at it the more I think it may hold some truth. It may be that Ymir or even the Realms opposing her decided to wipe out Tiamheim for remaining neutral."

"This is fascinating and all but don't you think that we might be getting a bit off topic?" Dagur mumbled. "We still don't know what the rest of the rhyme means."

"I agree, but before we start speculating we should secure the bow first." Sigyn added. "It does us no good just to talk right now."

The group proceeded through the underground corridors and came upon the large set of doors that would give way to the Springs of Creation. The doors this time were guarded heavily by several Jothun guards as well as the five Valkyries.

"So this is where they put them." Astrid mused as the Valkyries saluted both Sigyn and Loki.

"Community service," Sigyn explained. "I made a deal with the princes that the Valkyries can come home after they help guard the artifact."

"The sooner we get rid of them the better," Helblindi grumbled.

"Oh, I don't know." Jerry whispered to his father who chuckled lowly. "Mist seems to be very friendly with one of the other guards." Loki made a shushing motion and both checked to see if anyone heard their small conversation.

"Okay, we're here. Now what?" Býleistr asked with a frown. "We couldn't get the door open last time and it has no handles." The Giant turned to Loki "How are you going to open it up?"

"It's an enchanted door. It doesn't need any handles." Loki told the large group as he stepped forward. Magic started gathering around him as he continued walking towards the door. The magic was like an icy wind and Astrid and Hiccup huddled together to stop their shivering. Dagur did the same by dragging a protesting Snotlout close. Even the Valkyries were slightly shivering at the coldness of the magic. The only ones not affected were the Jothuns and Jerry.

"So this is Jothun magic." Býleistr said in wonder as frost started appearing on the armor and walls. Loki's footsteps also left frosty bootprints behind as runic symbols started glowing along the edges of the door. Then with a metallic creak the doors started opening automatically.

There was a bright light emanating from the doorway which made it impossible to see what was on the other side. The Valkyries moved to flank Loki who was about to step through the doorway.

"Don't come any closer," Loki turned his head around slightly to warn the others there. "There is a powerful enchantment on this doorway. Anyone not having Jothun magic will be sliced to ribbons if they come in contact with the light."

Eir, the Valkyrie medic, gulped audibly as Loki continued. "I don't know how long it will take to retrieve that accursed weapon but none of you will be able to accompany me."

"So we should just wait while one of our princes heads into danger alone?" Brynhildr asked with a frown. Hiccup and the others had to hand it to the Valkyries. They may have screwed up but they would still fulfill their role as protectors of the royal family.

"You should just wait." Loki confirmed as he pulled out several throwing knives from Thor-knows-where. "I am not defenseless." After telling them that he turned back around and proceeded through the doorway. After Loki was through the door automatically shut itself leaving the large group in the cold cavern illuminated only by torchlight.

"So....... what now?" Helblindi asked with a raised brow. His brother shrugged and both princes then took the time to turn to Jerry.

"Uhm....." Jerry took a step back as their red gazes landed on him.

"We could always get to know our nephew better," Býleistr suggested as Jerry gulped.

Meanwhile, the Bifrost station on the planes outside of the Jothun city activated. Footsteps could be heard marching out of the portal and into the snowy plain. The ice around the newcomers melted as Sutr was the last Fire Giant out of the Bifrost.

"Men!" The king of Muspelheim addressed. "Today we show the Realms our true colors!" The regiment of Fire Giant soldiers cheered as they started their march towards the Jothun city.

AN: (Exhausted author falls asleep under piles of research) Some news for y'all!
Phantasm Sequel will officially be starting in November

A.I. Sequel is slated to start in August
Legally Auburn will be updated this week
The last chapters for the Star wars: Eclipse story will be out 2nd week of April (I had completely forgotten about this one)


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