Chapter Two

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“We're all going to Magcon- and you get to come on the tour with us!” He said and I instantly ran and tackled him in a hug. “Get ready because our flight leaves in 4 hours and if you aren't done we're leaving without you.” He said and I nodded rapidly, soon departing from his arms as I ran upstairs and packed everything I needed, along with cleaned my room because when I came back home I wanted a clean room to sleep in.

Soon I was done and it was just about time, the boys came up and grabbed my bags as I slid on my carry on bookbag from VS PINK, walking down to the car as I sat next to Sammy in the backseat- we jammed to Iggy Azalea until we got to the airport. And before you know it, we boarded our flight and I sat next to my brother, I laid my head on his shoulder and soon fell asleep for the whole entire plane ride, when I woke up, it was due to my brother poking my face and I bit his finger because when i'm sleepy, I tend to get viscious. He winced and I felt happy with myself, soon getting up and sliding on my carry on, checking my phone. We walked over to baggage claim as I grabbed my suitcases, soon hearing a bunch of boys screaming- so these must be my brothers friends. Charming.

I rolled my suitcases, distancing myself a bit so I wouldn't be in the way of their moment. I soon heard a tall brunette with meismerizing blue eyes start speaking “Who's the chick? Did Gilinsky actually get a girlfriend? She's hot, congrats!” As soon as he said that I let out a gag and Sammy and Jack Johnson burst into laughter, “Dude, that's my little sister- gross.” He said and shook his head, the guys also laughing at the now embarrassed and blushing boy. I could deal without all of the greetings, so I started walking to the car, placing my bags inside as I sat down, scrolling through my phone as it was soon snatched out of my hand by a boy wearing a bandana, I don't care how attractive he is, nobody  touches my phone.

I grabbed his arm and twisted it, causing him to wince, releasing my phone out of his hand. I gave off a sarcastic smile, my gaze cold as I look at him. The other boys sat their with mouths wide open- what ever see a girl fight for herself? I shrugged my shoulders and placed in my earbuds, blasting The Vamps as I looked out of the window. We soon arrived at the hotel, everyone got out of the car, except for me.

I let out a groan as Jack tried to get me out of the car- I was tired and really didn't feel like getting out, so he sent a guy- Cameron Dallas I think? To come and get me, he came in the car and grabbed me, pulling me out and picking me up and placing me on his shoulder. “Put me down or I will bite you.” I warn, rolling my eyes at the sight the guys got to see from my yoga leggings. “I warned you, asswipe.” I say before grabbing his free arm and biting down on it. “God damn! The fuck was that for?” He yelled before sitting me down, “Don't pick me up and you won't have to worry about getting hurt.” I say, patting his head as I look over to see security with our bags.

“Anyways, I think we met on the wrong foot, i'm Hunter- but it's pronounced Beyonce.” I say, earning laughs from the guys. They all introduced theirselves and I got to know them all, I was sharing a room with all of them so that was a bit awkward. I decided to share a bed with Jack Johnson, because he was literally like a brother- except I like cuddling with him. We all decided to just stay in and eat pizza, we didn't want to be out all night considering Magcon was tomorrow and we had to be up pretty early, I had two pieces and drank a coke since they were stocked at this hotel. I got really tired and so did everyone else, so we put in a movie and I fell asleep cuddling with JJ // 

A/N Wow, two chapters in one night! I hope i'm not annoying when I write and I don't have that many spelling errors, because I hate when i'm reading a fanfic and someone has way too many errors to count, but as I said in the previous chapter, I had spots to be some of the guys' girlfriends open, and yes, I'm doing the original "Magcon Boys" but adding Sammy and Dillon aswell. So I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll talk to you in the next chapter! XOXO Stacey.

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