Chapter Six

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Stacey's Pov ~

I just got off the phone from talking to Cam, and the plan is a go. I told him I would come tomorrow but i'm actually making my way over tonight, after a few boring hours of flying, I finally made it! YAAAAAAS!! I went into the bathroom and fixed myself up, sliding on a VS Pink mint colored zip hoodie over a cami top, along with flixing the yoga leggings I was wearing, I ran a hand through my straightened hair as I made my way through the airport to a cab, hearing the noise of my flip flops as I walked.

I arrived at the hotel, getting the room number from Nash- he was the only person I told about my plan as I got the room key and made my way up, I heard Cameron speaking which made me even more nervous, but then I heard him say something that confused me, “Don't doubt yourself you're more special then you think, you're actually one of the most special girls in my life.” I opened the door quietly and stood in the doorway, tears in my eyes as I heard that and now saw my boyfriend- the guy i'm hopelessly inlove with, look like he was going to kiss this girl he was so close to her.

By now, Nash was looking at me with an apologetic glance, I cleared my throat and they pulled apart, still not noticing my presence. “If she's so special to you then maybe she can be your girlfriend, since that position is now open.” I say with hurt in my voice, I got one glance at Cameron before turning on my heels, “Stacey- this isn't what it looks like, I-I can explain.” I faintly hear Cameron as I make my way to the elevator, soon arriving at the lobby. I returned the room key as I got myself a room, making sure for it to not be on the same floor. I got the key and wiped my eyes, making my way to the floor my room was. My phone repeatedly going off as I soon shut it off- I was feeling broken.

I made my way into my room, throwing my suitcase against the wall as I shut the door, pressing my back against it as I slid down it, placing my face in my hands- great trip Stace, best decision ever to go meet up with him, 'It'll make you happier' well, everyone was wrong.

Cam's Pov ~

When I saw Stacey standing there, looking so upset, I couldn't help but feel like the shittiest boyfriend on the face of this Earth, and I just want to hold her in my arms and tell her it'll be alright, but she hates me. Way to go Cameron. I tried everything, tweeting her, texting, calling, commenting on pictures, everything. I was a nervous wreck, “Cameron I-” Hunter started talking, “Just please don't, not right now.” I cut her off coldly and she nodded, I was pissed, but not at Hunter, at myself.

The guys just sat there, looking at us and just not knowing what to say, I made my way into the lobby as I asked for her room number and to my surprise- they actually gave me it. I sprinted to her room and knocked I couldnt even tell you how many times, getting no answer from her, I looked up and down the halls and soon found her room key on the ground, just laying there- yep, that's my girl. I slowly opened the door to see her sitting outside of her window on the roof, her face in her hands, just flat out bawling her eyes out.

I slowly and quietly made my way over to her , going through the window and taking a seat next to her, even though she would never admit it, she looks beautiful when she cries. I placed an arm on her backed and rubbed it, she looked up and over at me, scooting her body over, turning away from me. “I'm mad at you.” she spat, still really upset. “I know, and you should. But could you just listen to me, for a possible moment?” I ask, and she just nods, pull her to face me and sit on my lap, tilting her chin up to look at me as I explained myself.

“i was just comforting her because Taylor cockblocked the kiss she was going to share with this guy she really likes. Stacey, I am and will always be inlove with you and only you, you're not only my girlfriend, but my bestfriend. We can tell eachother anything and not feel dumb about it, you're the one thing that is always on my mind,  it's you Stacey, it's always been you.” I say and she looks up at me, “r-really? You really m-mean that?” She asks, and I nod, “Every single word baby, every single word.”I reassure her as she gives me one of her amazing hugs, soon planting a kiss on my lips. We spent our night cuddling on the bed and watching movies, and just flat out enjoying eachother's company.  I got my girl back, I was one happy Cameron.

A/N Well, i'm just going to upload until I feel the need to stop, it's pretty addicting tbh here, I hope you guys are enjoying the story though! And Isn't Cameron just the sweetest? And I just used my name, the fc i'm using for her is on the side, just take a gander at that and i'll talk to you again in one of my next few chapters! XOXO Stacey.

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