Chapter Four

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 “Why the fuck did you start a fight with a fan? Are you that stupid?” He basically yelled at me, “She wouldn't let go of me and I gave her a fair warning. And i'm not stupid.” I state and he scoffs, shaking his head, “How about you get your head out of your ass and just ignore them? You don't have to be such a dumb bitch about it, damn Hunter, I thought you we're smarter than this, but of course, yet again, you've proven me wrong and ruin everything.” He screamed to me, I felt my lip tremble as I had tears in my eyes.

“Well if I ruin everything and i'm such a dumb bitch, i'll just go home and you won't have to deal with me. Happy?” I spat, jumping off the stage as I pushed past the guys, heading to my hotel room, I had a broken nose, I was crying- which I look absolutely atrocious when I cry, and blood was still pouring from the spots I was cut open at. I looked lovely. Lovely being pronounced as train wreck.

I went into the room and cleaned up my face again, brushing out my hair and going over it with my straightener as I heard the door open and it was Jack- of course. “Hunter, i'm really sorry for what I said- I was just angry, I didn't mean it. Please stay?” He asked and I couldn't refuse, he was just stressed and he usually never said that to me, so we ended up just hugging it out and all was good. He had to go back to the event so I just decided to take a shower and possibly go back later, I walked into the bathroom, stripping off my clothes as I hopped in and took a relatively quick shower, soon hopping out and putting on a pair of leggings and a Harry Potter hufflepuff crew neck sweatshirt, I slid on my grey knit socks that I had for over my leggings- they weren't too high up, and my black and white low pro vans as I went to the bathroom and restraighetend my hair, doing my makeup again, which my face didn't look that bad surprisingly- well with the right makeup of course.

I grabbed the pass and made my way back into the venue, I started dancing horribly next to the barricades with a few fans as Bart handed them V.I.P bracelets, and soon I heard my name being called to come up on stage. I furrowed my brows and cameup and Shawn handed my a guitar, “Can you sing one of my songs? Her brother says she has an amazing singing voice!” He says, the last part to the crowd, earning loud cheers. “That's because he's my brother, he has to say that.” I say, earning some laughs as I take a seat on the stool, adjusting the microphone stand because i'm shorter than Shawn by a good amount of inches. “I guess I could sing Show You, is that okay?” I ask with a raised by and hear more cheers. “Go ahead, whatever you'd like Hunter.” He said with his pretty cute smile- he's so adorable aw. I give a small smile and start strumming, soon starting to sing. (A/N Scroll down through the lyrics if you don't want to read them all..oops.) 

“You can’t walk the streets at night, You're way too 

short to get on this ride. 

No I'm not, no I'm not, 

they're tryna tell me that I

I gotta be home when the street lights glow?

You can’t watch your TV show

I will watch what I wanna watch

No, won’t listen to you, do what I wanna do

And I will walk this road ahead

One hundred miles on my hands

Do I need to show you?

Guess I gotta show you

And if you don't believe me now

I'll flip the whole world upside down, Do I need to show you?

Guess I gotta show you

Watch me swim across this lake

Fly through the sky in my Superman cape

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