Chapter 6

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It's been a week since mine and Clay's break up. I still am very mad at him. Nick and Matt still come over everyday to help me.

Today Me, Nick, Matt, Raylen and Baylor are all going to the "Troy Fest" for Raylen's birthday.

Nick and Matt stayed the night last night and I went downstairs and Matt was the only one awake. "Morning." "Morning. I didn't even sleep last night, did you?"

"I didn't get to sleep until 5-ish, why didn't you sleep last night?" "Worried." "About what?" "You, what's gonna happen? I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"Matt, you don't need to worry about me." "You, are my baby girl, I need to worry about you." "Matt, thank you." he hugged me.

"Can I, say something crazy(Frozen reference there😂)?" "Of course!" "I, kind of, sort of, have a mini, very mini, crush on you." he smiled. "I like you to."

We both smiled. We gazed into each others eyes for a minute until Baylor, very loudly, cleared his throat. "Yes?" me and Matt laughed.

"I knew you guys liked each other, I heard everything." "You've got, to stop eavsdropping on peoples conversations!"

He laughed, "Nah! I don't feel like it." "I don't know how you do it." "It's hard but I've done it for 14 years, imma pro by now."

We all laughed. We heard Baylor's alarm go off. "Wanna wake up Raylen?" me and Matt smirked at each other. "Yeah!"

We all ran in screaming and ran back out. We were diwnstairs for about maybe 20 minutes until she decided to finally come downstairs.

Nick woke up. "It's about time sleeping beauty!" Matt said teasing Nick. "Very funny." "I'm gonna go get dressed."

I went up to my room. I put on a purple sweater-ish shirt, dark blue skinny jean and my favorite slipper boots.

When I walked out of my room Raylen walked out of hers at the same time as me. We were wearing the same thing. We both went back into our rooms and changed.

I put on a green nike shirt. I walked out of my room the same tim Raylen did again. But this time, luckily, we wern't wearing the same thing.

"It's about time, what took so long?" "I don't know, ask Raylen, she's the one who copied my first choice of outfit." "Well in my defence, I picked out my outfit before you."

I rolled my eyes and said nothing. We were looking through the channels to see what was on tv when we came across our all-time favorite show. Spongebob.

I got a text from Clay. I thought I blocked him.

Clay: I'm really sorry, is there any way I can make it up to you?

Savannah: No, Clay. You had your chance and you blew it. I trusted you.

He didn't reply. Matt looked down at my phone and sighed. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Just ignore him." he whispered. I nodded.

We watched the camping episode of spongebob. That episode has always been my all-time favorite. Out of nowhere I started singing the song.

"Let's gather 'round the camp fire, and sing our camp fire song,


c a m p f i r e s o n g song,

and if you don't think we can sing it faster then you're wrong,

so it'll help if, you just sing, along! Bum, bum, bum!"

They all stared at me lke I was crazy. "What? I'm normal." "Sure you are." we all laughed.


It was finally 5:00 so that meant it was time to go ti the "Troy Fest!" Me, Raylen and Baylor count it as a tradition to go every year, even if it's not just us alone.

When we got our wristbands me and Matt went away from Raylen, Baylor ad Nick. "Do you wanna go on the 'zipper' with me?" "No."

"Please, just once." "You know I'm afraid of heights." he popped out his bottom lip which he knows I can't stand. "Oh, fine. Just once Matthew!"

We laughed. The whole time I was just scared out of my mind! "Why did I let you talk me into this?!" he laughed. "Cuz ya love meh!" I rolled my eyes and laughed.

That was finally over. We went on the tilt-a-whirl which was my favorite! Even though I've been on it a million times, it was still pretty fun.


The night was almost over. But I promised Matt I would go on the ferris wheel with him. "Come on! Before they say that we can't go on it anymore!"

I just laughed at him rushing me. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" we finally got on. Me and Matt were looking up at the night sky and all the stars.

"It's very beautiful up here." I said breaking the silence. "I know." we gazed into each others eyes. We both leaned closer.

I was looking forward to this all summer. But, I can't. Can I? I pictured This moment with Clay LaBrant, not Matthew Hall.

He kissed me. I did anyway. I kissed back. He gently pulled away after a minute and we both smiled. We heard familiar voices behind us so we looked back.

Nick and Raylen. They both had their phones out obviously taking a picture a video. They made kissey noises and laughed.

We both laughed. "Shut up Raylen!" "Yeah! You to, Nick!" we all laughed. We got off the ferris wheel and they would not stop teasing us.


It was 1:00 in the morning and Nick and Matt stayed the night again. "Night Savannah." "Night, Matt." he kissed my forehead then I went up to my room and went to bed.

Me or The Fans-Clay LaBrantWhere stories live. Discover now