Chapter 11

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I had set my alarm for 7:30 because I remembered exactly what time Baylor usually wakes me up: 7:35.

I didn't know what to wear for today so I decided I would wake up Raylen to ask her to help me.

"Raylen!" "Really?! First Baylor now you?!" I laughed. "I'm going on a date with Clay today, I have no clue what to wear and I want you to help me."

"All right, all right. I'll be up in a minute." "Well, if I were you, I would ge up sooner than a minute, because it's 7:34..."

She got up right away making me laugh. I walked back into my room with Raylen behind me.

She walked over to my closet. "What kind of 'date' are you talking about? Movie, dinner?" "I don't know. He won't tell me."

"Well how about you wear jeans and a dressy-ish shirt." I just shrugged. Right before she pulled out an outfit I got a text from Clay.

Clay: Fine, I'll tell you: we're seeing a movie but I won't tell you which one.

Savannah: It's 'If I Stay'isn't it?

He didn't reply so I took that as a yes. "We're seeing a movie so I don't want to wear a dressy shirt." she sighed and put what she had out back in my closet.

She pulled out a different outfit and held it up. "What about this?" she held a pair of black leggings, a blue shirt that said 'Alabama' and a 'CHHS'(Charles Henderson High School) hoodie.

I made the face that most people make when they're about to say no. "If you say no I will literally force you to wear it."

I laughed. "I'm not gonna say no. I actually was about to say yes. I was just messing with you." I laughed. "Sisters are such pains..." she mumbled so I could barely hear.


"Bye! Clay's here." "Bye!" I walked outside and Clay was standing on the porch. "You still have my hoodie?" "Um, yeah. D-do you want it back?"

"No. It looks better on you." I smiled. We both got i the backseat of Cole's car and he dropped us off at the theater.

"So, can you finally tell me what movie we're seeing?" he smirked. "I can help who's next."

We walked up to the guy at the counter. "2 tickets to 'Annabelle' please." my eyes went wide.

"I thought you said 'If I Stay!'' he laughed. "I never said that." "You know I'm afraid of scary movies though." he smiled "But I'm here with you." I grabbed his hand as we were walking to the next line.

We got our popcorn and drinks then sat down in the theater. I made Clay hold the popcorn bucket because I knew at some moments I would get too scared and make popcorn go all over the place.

Half way through the movie I was crying because of how scared I was. Clay wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.


"Remind me to never go to a movie with you any more unless I know what it is." he laughed. "In my defence, you agreed to it."

I laughed. As we were walking out of the theater, we got noticed by a few people.

They all aske if we could follow them on instagram. "Of course! What's your username?" "SlayShipper1314" "Which Slay?"

"It's obviouse. You and Clay." I smiled. A lot of fans wanted pictures, some even with me.

When they finally left he called Cole to pick us up. "Well, I found out that, there is a fanpage for both of us." he smiled.

"For, both of us?" "Yeah." "There you go with the flirting again." I laughed. "Yeah..." we both laughed.

Cole texted me saying he was here. "Cole said he's here so we gotta go." we went out to Cole's car."

We goy to my house but Clay walked up to the door with me. "Before, you go inside, I have a question." I gave him my full attention.

"I've been thinking and, I was wondering if, you wanted to, be my girlfriend, again?" I smiled. "I'd love to."

He hugged me then I went inside. I layed down on the couch and closed my eyes.

Raylen and Baylor jumped out from behind the couch to scare me making me scream. "Stawp it!" I said stretching out the I.

They laughed. "What movie did you see?" "Annabelle." "Ooh! Was it good?" "No! 1: I hate scary movies. 2: I had my eyes covered the whole time!" They both laughed. "It's not funny!"

Me or The Fans-Clay LaBrantWhere stories live. Discover now