Chapter 13

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Dream Big Tour was finally over. I was happy but sad at the same time. Sad because I made a lot of new friends that now seem like family but I have to leave them.

But happy because I finally get to go back home to Clay.


When we got home there was a letter on the front porch. When I read it my heart was beating so fast. This couldn't be happening.

I ran into the house slamming the door shut with tears in my eyes. "Baylor!" "What happened?" I gave him the letter. When he read it he looke a little upset to.

He put the letter on the table then hugged me. "I'm not going to let them take you away." I sobbed on his shoulder.



I heard a knock on the frint door. "Are you Baylor Barnes?" "Yes? Who are you?" "I'm Stephanie(it was the first name that popped into my head). I'm here to take Savannah."

"No! You can't take her!" "And why is that, Mr. Barnes?" "Because we need her! She is a major importance in this family! She's the one who brought this family closer together."

"I'm sorry. But the law says you must be over 18 or older to take care of or adopt a child unless they're 16 and older."

I started crying. "But I am 18!" "When is your birthday Mr. Barnes?" "February 12th, 1996." she sighed.

"You're too, young. You're not officially 18 yet. I'm sorry, but Savannah must come with me." I started crying even more.

Savannah came downstairs. "W-what's going on?" "Savannah, I'm Stephanie. You need to come with me." "No!" "Please, Savannah. Mr. Barnes is not officially 18 so he's not legal to have an adopted child living here."

She started crying. Savannah ram up to me and gave me a hug. "I'm sorry." "Promise me one thing." "What is it?" "Promise me you'll never forget me?" "I promise."

"I'll find a way to get you back some how." "I just want you to know, that these were the best 12 years of my life."


An that was it. I had to go with that Stephanie person. I sat in the backseat of the car really mad. "Ms. Robertson I-" "It's Barnes, not Robertson."

She sighed. "Ms. Barnes, the only way for you to have stayed with them is if he was 18." I started crying.


It's been 4 months. These have been the 4 worst months of my life.

"Savannah, you are wanted in the front office." I wiped my tear stained cheeks amd walked into the office.

When I saw why they wanted me in there I was so happy. "Savannah, this is Baylor Barnes. He's here to adopt you."

I smiled. My heart was pounding so fast. I thought this was just a dream, but it wasn't. It was all 100% real. He made me a promise. And by the looks of it now, he never broke it.

We got in the car and drove to our house. When I got out of the car Baylor pulled me in for a tight hug.

"It's good to have you back Savannah." I smiled. "It's good to be back." "Let's go inside." we went inside.

"Welcome home!" I turned on the lights and everyone was there. Rachel, Alyssa, Sam, the LaBrants, the Grices, Raylen, Nick, even Matt. I was so happy!

Clay ran up to me and picked me up in a hug. "I missed you so much!" "I missed you more!" I laughed and he put me down.

Nick and Matt walked up to me. Matt was happy. I smiled and gave them both tight hugs. "I'm sorry." "For what?" "Flipping off at you at 'Dream Big Tour'." "The past is in the past(let it go! let it g- no? Okay, I'll stop now), don't worry about it."

He hugged me again. Raylen and Rachel came up to me and gave me the tightest hugs ever! "I missed you guys to!" we all laughed.

They all hugged me and welcomed me back. "I missed y'all so much!" "We missed you to."

Clay was right by my side the whole day. I kept getting instagram notifications. When I finally decided to check my phone my heart dropped.

It happened again. But this time, it's worse. "Clay. We need to talk." I pulled him into the other room.

"What's wrong?" I sighed and showed him my phone. "Just ig-" "You say that every time! I can't ignore it anymore! It's getting worse."

"I'm really sorry. We will all do our best to help you." "Clay, I know, that you love your fans. And I hate to be the kind of girl who does this. Me, or the fans?"

"Y-you want me to choose?" "I hate to do this to you but, yeah." "I can't. I love my fans, but I'm in love with you."

I started crying a little. He hugged me. "I just need time." he looked straight at me. "Whatever decision I make, I will still love you." I smiled.

He wiped my cheeks then we went downstairs. "Savannah, Clay." we walked over to where Cole and Baylor were.

"Do you guys remember this?" baylor showed us a picture of me and Clay on our first day of kindergarten. "Yeah." "You guys did everything together." "You never left each other's side."

He looked at me and I looked back. "Yeah. I remember that." he said without looking away. He grabbed my hand then looked back at Baylor and Cole.

"It's obvious you guys like each other." "Of course we do." "We're dating again." "You are?" "Cole, you are way behind."

We all laughed and went through some more pictures. We came across a picture of us on the first day of middle school. I was different then. I was me, then.


Cole and Baylor were showing me and Savannah so many pictures from a few years ago or from when we were kids. Because of that, I made up my mind.

"Savannah, I've made up my mind." "Y-you have?" the worriedness was obvious in her voice. I pulled her in fir a tight hug and whispered "I choose you."

Me or The Fans-Clay LaBrantWhere stories live. Discover now