Chapter 4

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and I looked at my phone which read "7:00 am" time for my morning routine.

I ran into Raylen's room screaming to wake her up then did the same to Savannah. When I went back to my room I started blaring music.


Baylor came in my room screaming and started blaring music. I looked at my phone that said "7:03 am." "BAYLOR!"

"Yeah?" he walke in like he didnt do anything. "It's 7 in the morning! Why did you wake me up?!" "Because I do every morning.."

I layed back down. "And Nick and Matt are coming over." I shot up instantly. He laughed and walked out.

I got up and picked out my outfit. I put on royal-blue leggings, a white lacey(ish) sweater and ugg-boot looking slippers.

After I put my clothes on I put my hair in a messy bun then ran across the hall to Raylen's room. "RAYLEN!" "What?!" "Nick and Matt are coming over!" she got up right away and I went downstairs so she could change.

Me and Raylen may or may not, have the tinyest crushes on Nick and Matt that we swore to never tell Clay, Dylan, Baylor, Nick or Matt. But Baylor I'm sure figured it out by now.


We were all watching the "Fatal Finally" of "Pretty Little Liars(by the way who watched that tonight? I loved it!)" when we heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I opened the door an it wasn't who I expected. "Savannah!" "Nick! Matt!" I hugged them both and Raylen and Baylor came to the door.

I honestly thought it was gonna be Clay, I forgot Nick and Matt were coming over.

"It's good to finally see you guys again!" "You to!" Nick hugged Raylen. I know she likes him but it's obvious he likes her back.

They came in and sat on the chairs. "What you guys watching?" "The season finally of 'Pretty Little Liars'." "Who's 'A'?!" Yes, Nick, Matt and Baylor like PLL to, it's not weird.

"I still can't believe it snowed last winter!" "I kno-" Raylen cut herself off. "Why are you talking about last winter?"

"I don't know..." I said stretching out the w. "Cramps? Saying things out of the random? Craving chocolate?" "Yes, yes and always."

"You're a woman, come with me." she said making me laugh. The funnier part is that she said it serious.

She pulled me, or should I say, dragged me upstairs. "Okay, I'm not going any farther till you explain how I'm a woman and why you litterally dragged me up the stares."

"One word, I'm not gonna say it, but it's a punctuation." "Why did it have to be today?! Why not yesterday?! Why is m life so hard?!" She laughed.


"Matt, It's obvious." "What's obvious?" "That you like Savannah." "Oh really? Well it's obvious you like Raylen!"

I just laughe at them both. "They both have boyfriends." they stopped arguing ad stared at me. "Who is this guy my little girl is dating?! I must meet him!"

"Clay LaBrant, Cole's brother. And Raylen is dating Dylan Danner." "Where do they live? I need to meet this Clay character." "And I need to meet Dylan!"

I just laughed at them again. "They're good kids, you don't need to worry. Even though, Clay told his fans about Savannah which pushed a lot of hate towards her!"

I guess I was playing with the zipper on my jacket because that broke off. "Yeah,I need to meet him. Tell 'em to come over."

I texted Raylen

Baylor: Invite Dylan over. Tell Savannah to text Clay to tell him to come over to.

Raylen: K, wait, why?

Baylor: Nick and Matt wanna meet them.


I got a text from Baylor telling me to invite Dylan over and to tell Savannah to invite Clay because Nick and Matt wanna meet them.

I laughed. Nick and Matt are way protective over me and Savannah, maybe just a little more than Baylor.

"Text Clay to tell him he can come over." "Why?" she asked half laughing. "Because Nick and Matt want to meet him and Dylan.

She laughed and did as told and I texted Dylan.

Raylen: Hey! Can you come over?

Dylan: Sure! Why?

Raylen: Because Baylor's friends Nick and Matt Hall want to meet you and Clay

Dylan: 😂 I'll be there in 10

Raylen: Kay! Ttyl!😄

Dylan: Bye!😘

I put my phone in my back pocket and me and Savannah went back downstairs. "Dylan said he'll be here in about 10 minutes." "And Clay said 5."


Not to much later Dylan and Clay were here. Nick and Matt just stared at them crossed-armed. "Are you Dylan and Clay?" "The one that told your fans about your realationship with my baby girl?!"

"Your baby gir-" Matt cut him off. "I ask the questions here!" I laughed. "Matt please don't scare him..."

Clay just gave me the 'who tf is this guy' look and I laughed. "Matt Hall from vine." I said without my voice(like she said it but she didn't really say it.. If that even makes sense...)


An hour passed of Nick and Matt negotiating Clay and Dylan. "Nick, Matt, it's been an hour, are you done?" Matt had a disgusted look on his face like he was mad at Clay.

"They can leave, but if you come back tomorrow, we're having this same conversation..." I laughed and walked out with Clay.

We sat on the porch swing and started talking. "I'm, so, sorry about him.." "Who were those people anyway?" "Nick and Matt Hall, they're good friends with Baylor."

"And Why'd he call you his little girl?" he asked sounding a little upset. "They're overly protective over me and Raylen because somethings have happened to her that they're afraid will happen again, but to both if us."

"W-what happened?" "All I'm gonna say is that in the end, she ended up alone with a broken heart. Me, Baylor, Rachel, Nick and Matt were the only ones who cared or helped her."

"I promise you, I will never, leave or hurt you." I kissed his cheek. "I love you." "I love you to." I smiled.

My phone vibrated. It was a text from Cole. "Cole says you gotta go back home ad your mom has been trying to call you this whole time." I said trying not to laugh.

"Well I'm dead." I laughed. "I'll text you later." "Bye." I went back inside and Matt stood in front of me cross-armed.

And that started the whole 'why you shouldn't even kiss a boy on the cheek until your 15 lecture.' I think I may have fallen asleep a few times because he yelled at me.

"Matt, I'm 14.. And, are ya done?" "Class is dismissed.." "Class? Matt, We're in my livingroom and it's just me you, Nick, Baylor and Raylen." We all laughed.

Soon Nick and Matt had to leave. Me and Raylen hugged them both and Matt kissed my cheek. "Matthew! I thought you said you shouldn't even kiss someone's cheek until they're 15?"

"Well I'm 16 so this is different.Do I have to come back tomorrow to give you lesson 2?" I laughed "NO!" he laughed.

"We'll be here tomorrow, same time-ish." "Bye!" they left and it was 11 at night. "It's already 11?!" "Yeah! Time sure does fly."

"I know! Well, I'm gonna go to bed. Night guys!" "Night!" I got into my pajamas then went to bed. Today was a fun day.

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