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Third Person POV


There’s was nothing but havoc and panic within the castle. Why?

Because an unknown force, an unknown army had entered the palace. Courtiers were locked into one room, soldiers either killed or knocked out. The royal family was in the throne room facing none other but Namjoon and his most trusted men.

Jung Hoseok. Animalia Manipulation. The ability to manipulate, control, and communicate with all animals.

Kim Taehyung. Pathokenesis. The ability to manipulate emotions.

Min Yoongi. Opinokinesis. The power to control a person’s sensory abilities.

And Kim Seokjin. The most powerful healer in the country, able to bring someone back to life if the wound was fatal enough.

All orphaned by the king on his quest for power.

Their homes ripped away. Families killed. Happiness taken. Hope crushed.

They all stood in front of the king, who had a collar around his neck.

An ability blockade. All slaves had them, they only worked for one ability and one person. A safety precaution to prevent an uprising or imprisonment of any slaveholders.

The king was kneeling, sneering at the men, his wife beside him, Jungkook and Lisa also collared and kneeling on the ground.

“Kim Namjoon. How dare you—“

“Shut the fuck up.” Namjoon said coldly. “It’s over, I’ve won. I will kill you and take your throne and everything else that is precious to you, just like you did to me. To everyone in this room.”

Namjoon turned to Seokjin. “Please go and attend to the princess.” Seokjin nodded and rushed off. He was kind of glad to go.

Even though the situation was very serious, Namjoon would probably go on a rant and tell the king how worthless and cruel he was. Which would take forever.

Seokjin found the princess’ quarters and entered slowly. Jimin stirred in the bed, gasping in pain at the movement.

“Shh...your highness, please do not move.” Seokjin said gently. “Allow me to heal you.”

“Jin Oppa, no. My father will punish you—“

“Your father will die today.” Seokjin said quietly.


“Namjoon. He is the prince of one of the small kingdoms to the south that were destroyed by your father. He has overthrown your father. He will die today with your family.”

“Th-then why—“

“You will live.” Seokjin said quietly. He placed his hand onto Jimin's back and he arched his back, screaming. But Jin did not move.

Suddenly Jimin collapsed, breathing heavily. His wounds were completely healed and he felt filled with energy.

But now, he had a mission.

“Hyung...forgive me.” Jimin said quietly.

“Hy—“ Jimin lashed out and smashed Jin’s head to the bed post, knocking the man out. Jimin slid from the bed, placing the healer into it instead.

The prince turned and quickly rushed to his dresser, pulling out some trousers and a loose shirt.

He hadn’t worn men’s clothing in so long that it felt strange.

He pulled on some boots, pushing his hair back with his hand a bit before grabbing one of his scarves and tying it around the lower half of his face.

He couldn’t let Jungkook die, that was all he knew.

Jimin ran out of his room and down the hall, coming to a halt when he spotted soldiers.

Foreign soldiers.

“Hey!” Jimin took off down the hall, managing to avoid them. Advantages of being small and nimble.

He avoided many other soldiers.

Namjoon heard the commotion in the hall and looked up from his sword, which was drawn and ready to behead the king.

Suddenly a man burst in, his face covered. He stopped right in front of Namjoon.

“Who are you?” Namjoon demanded. The man didn’t respond, only flicked his eyes to the heir.

Namjoon flicked his hand and Taehyung rushed forward, his eyes glowing, but his sword drawn. He lashed out at the male, but the males eyes suddenly glowed a sharp gold, and Taehyung stopped, and dropped his sword, clutching his ears. He screamed as an awful ringing filled his head, his mind.

“Yoongi.” Namjoon snapped. Yoongi stepped forward and removed Taehyung’s suffering. The man turned back to Namjoon. “Do not try to stop me.” He growled.

Yoongi and Taehyung launched forward this time. But the man’s eyes glowed again. This time a different color. A bright blue. The animals surrounding Hoseok growled and attacked Yoongi and Taehyung. Namjoon growled and suddenly a ring of fire went up around the intruder.

All motion stopped, the man’s eyes stopped glowing as he turned to face him.

“Who are you?” He growled out lowly. “Are you a hidden ace of the kings?”

“No.” The man said lowly.

“Then who are you?”

“No one you should be concerned with.” The man’s eyes suddenly glowed white. But before he could do anything, Yoongi rushed him, a collar in hand. The intruder gasped, his eyes falling to their normal brown. His hands were restrained behind his back and Taehyung ripped the scarf over his face off. The sight caused everyone to freeze.


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