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Third Person POV

“W-where is everyone?” Jimin asked, looking around at the abandoned courtyard.

“Well, currently they're all in the dungeons right now.”

“What?” Jimin gave Namjoon an alarmed look.

“I have my most trusted men in the castle, what’s left of my father’s army patrolling the streets and every courtier and royal guard in the dungeon. I need control somehow. At my coronation, they either can swear loyalty to me or be executed.”


“Don’t question me.” The man suddenly growled. Jimin looked down immediately, submitting.

“O-of course. Sorry.”


“N-no it’s fine. I understand.” Jimin said, offering a small smile.

Currently they were walking along the gardens. Namjoon had suddenly started using a nickname for Jimin, not that he minded. As promised, they were spending quite a bit of time together. Jimin had already learned a lot about Namjoon, such as where he had met everybody.

Yoongi had been the first. They’d known each other since they were babies. They’d escaped the castle together after Jimin’s father had invaded the kingdom.

They found Seokjin, who was living alone, only slightly older than them at the time. They’d quickly befriended the healer and stayed with him until they decided to move on, leave their old home behind and explore the world a bit.

They’d met Hoseok by chance. They were walking in the woods when they came across a boy, talking to a bear. The boy had gladly joined them on their journey, explaining how he’d always lived in the wild.


Taehyung has been the last. His story was kind of sad.

As soon  as he’d presented, his father had sold him off to a brothel. Seeing as he was too young to be used as a prostitute, he was made to use his power to give customers a feeling of euphoria. Being young and unable to control his powers fully, he was often subjugated to harsh backlash either from himself or from his masters.

The boys had all saved him when they discovered his abuse.

Jimin had also told Namjoon some things.

About before he’d been forced to be a princess.

When he was learning how to use his power, and how his father always made him do terrible things. He’d made a lie, falling ill and suddenly losing his ability which was when everything turned worse for the boy, but he didn’t care.

He couldn’t hurt people as his father had intended for him.

He was too soft for that.

Namjoon had smiled, knowing that the boy was exactly that. Too soft and caring to really hurt anybody.

However Namjoon was still cautious. He’d seen what Jimin had gotten like when he was mad, and the elder didn’t admit it, but deep down he knew he was terrified. Jimin would never abuse the power he had, which was why he wasn’t always under constant surveillance, but he and everyone else knew that he was much more powerful than anyone in the castle.

“Joonie?” Jimin asked, turning to the man.


“W-What’s your favorite color?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I was just curious.”


“White?” Jimin frowned. “That’s such a boring color. Why?”

“Because white represents death. The cruel reality of everything.”

“That’s...horrible.” Namjoon shrugged. “What’s yours?”

“Blue!” Jimin smiled brightly. “I’ve always loved the sky. When I was younger...before Jungkook presented, we had this shapeshifter who would allow me to use his power. I always loved to make myself a bird and fly. It was amazing.”

“Can you train yourself to control whoever’s power you borrow?”

“Depends. If it’s my first time, then no. After a few times of using the same power I can get the hang of it. But usually I’m more likely to lose control. The side effects are always worse, too, if it’s a mental ability rather than a physical one. Like yours. You can control the elements. If I were to take yours, I’d probably accidentally set everything on fire. But like Taehyung’s...it’s just affect me negatively. Backfire on me until I’d be able to control it.”

“I see.”

“That is why I do not use my power a lot. Although it can be useful...sometimes the repercussions are not worth it, because I will end up hurting myself or others in the process if I am not familiar with the ability. It often lingers, in my body, and even when I have not activated their ability to use for myself, I sometimes still lose control.”


“You…” Jimin suddenly stopped walking, biting his bottom lip, nervous. Namjoon stopped and turned to look at him. “You won’t use me...l-like that. Right?”

“Of course not, Minnie.” Namjoon’s walked over to the boy and grabbed his hands. “I would never do that to you. I promise I will never exploit your power in any way. I will never use you in anyway.”

“B-But you are...y-you are using me right now..” Jimin said sadly.

Namjoon sighed.

“There is no other way, Jimin. I will not use you in any other way besides this. Besides, I am merely protecting you as well.”

“P-protecting me?”

“If you left...where would you go? There are many who hate your family outside of the capitol. Here you are protected, but out there, if you are recognized, you will be killed or sold. And I wish neither on you, Minnie.”

“W-was my father really so hated?”

“He was a cruel man. He cared for no one but himself. Only his greed and hunger for power. Never forget that, Jimin.”

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