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Jungkook walked down the halls, looking off into space as everything clouded his mind.

Everything that Namjoon had said to him.

Everything that Jimin had said to him.

Everything that Yoongi had said to him.

Everything that Hoseok has said to him.

All of it coursed through his head, fighting for dominance, trying to reach the forefront of his mind.

But they all said the same thing.

It’s okay. It’s different now. You have people to care for you. You have people who love you, no matter what, and you don’t have to keep hiding anymore.

“Kook?” Jungkook snapped his head up, clearing his mind of thoughts as Yoongi stood in front of him, giving him a curious look. “Everything okay? I called your name a few times and you seemed to be pretty out of it.”

Jungkook blushed a little from embarrassment, once again ducking his head down to gaze at the floor. Yoongi asked up to him and gently guided his head to look up, not letting the young prince look away.

“What’s wrong? I know that something is on your mind. You know that you can always talk to me, bun.”

Jungkook nodded slowly, before shaking his head and pausing. Then he nodded once again. “I’m just...confused, is all. I-I’ve never...really been treated this way before and I guess...I’m still confused and just trying to...process everything?” Jungkook nodded slowly, knowing that those were the words that he wanted to speak.

Yoongi nodded as well, searching Jungkook’s face. Finally, he let go of the prince’s chin and pulled him in for a hug. “It’s okay, you can take all of the time you need to, to process.” Jungkook nodded into Yoongi’s chest once again, this time unable to formulate any words. He felt so comfortable in Yoongi’s embrace.

So safe.

He fell further into the unwavering hold Yoongi had onto him, allowing the man to eventually let go and lead him to his room. Hoseok was there, waiting for the two on Jungkook’s bed.

Over the past few weeks Jungkook’s room had basically turned into their room. Even when they didn’t sleep in the bed with the prince, they still slept in the room, whether it were on couches or even the floor. ‘Watching’ him as they still liked to use as an excuse.

They’d even gone so far as to move most of their daily wear into his room. Jungkook thought that his room felt more homey and personal when they’d moved in, practically forcing their way into his private space, into his mind, but he didn’t mind. They were so caring and loving…

He loved them.

He loved them with everything that he had, and the realization hit him so much. He knew he loved them before, but not like this. Not with such unconditional love, with the burning for their touch, their gaze, their lips, their everything. He wanted them. He needed them. He’d grown so dependent on their kisses, their small words of courage, endearment, their cuddles, their everything. He didn’t know what he would do without them, and it was then that Jungkook realized that he could never let them go.

That he would rather die than see them with anyone else, he would rather die than live without them.

As Yoongi led them to the bed where Hoseok was already laying, the young prince turned to the eldest, suddenly kissing him full on.

Yoongi was caught by surprise, Hoseok as well.

Never had the prince initiated a kiss of his own, often too shy to even think about doing so.

When Jungkook pulled away, Yoongi offered him a small smile, containing the teasing words he wanted to say. The prince looked so embarrassed, but scared at the same time to have done such a thing that Yoongi didn’t want to discourage him from thinking he couldn’t or shouldn’t do it again.

Because the man wanted him to. He wanted Jungkook to be comfortable with them, to feel safe with them. He wanted Jungkook to come to them with his problems, to seek comfort from them when he fell down.

“What was that for?” He finally muttered, unable to contain the question any longer.

Jungkook froze, biting his lower lip, his mind going haywire.

Three simple words, that’s all he needed to say.

Such simple words, yet they held so much meaning, so much worth.

Three words that could change his life forever.

Three words that would.

But the prince merely shook his head, looking down. “Wanted to.” He mumbled shyly.

Too frightened at what they would do if he told them.

I love you

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