Thirty Eight

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Namjoon marched to the front of the lines, staring up at the large wall blockading them from moving forward. 

Archers lined the walls, their arrows pointed at his men, making it so they had to stay far enough away, out of range of the bows. 

Yoongi and Hoseok stood beside him, Jin stood further away, saddened to have left Taehyung behind, who was still unconscious from his injuries. 

Namjoon had decided to march. He wouldn’t waste the time to be diplomatic, wouldn’t talk to a man who dared to touch his beloved. He was going to destroy whoever thought it was okay to harm his husband or his child. 

“How do you propose we moved forward, your majesty?” Namjoon turned to Hoseok, whose face was stoic and serious. There was not a hint of the usual childish behavior that the man often had. 

“They are using bows and arrows, which makes me apprehensive. Surely they would use their abilities instead.” Namjoon began. “Is there someone who has an ability to help them with such weapons? Or are their gifts too weak to use in combat?”

“They are few, we are many. Even though you had a few that were unhappy with your uprising, the majority of the kingdom was on your side, the minute you killed the late king. Perhaps they don’t have the gifts to properly stand up to our forces. I believe that you could wipe the archers out yourself, and then we can move forward. Throw the gates open.”

“No. I want to see what Im has planned.”

“Your majesty, that doesn’t seem like a good course of action right now—“

“He has your queen in there, pregnant with your future sovereign, Hoseok.” Namjoon snapped, turning to the General. “What would you have me do? Storm in and have Im kill them both before I could even reach them? You forget that we have hundreds of soldiers to get through, before I can even fathom reaching my love. So we need to wait. Im will make his appearance. If not, we can just starve them out.”

“The first one they will starve is your husband.” Yoongi whispered. 

“Then they will have nothing to bargain with. No, he will be the last to starve.” Namjoon bit out. The two generals bowed their heads, not saying anything else. 


Jimin screamed, arching his back as the woman between his legs tried to hush him. “Please, your majesty.” She whispered. “You have to start pushing.” Jimin whimpered, shaking his head. 

Im would rip his or her’s life away as soon as they gained it. 

Jimin had used the ability he’d been latching onto (Jungkook’s) to fully change his form to that of a woman’s for easier childbirth. 

But that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. 

They were six hours into labour, and Jimin was in so much pain. And now it seemed to be time. Time for his child to be born. 

And he didn’t want it. He didn’t want it to be now. He didn’t want his child to be born like this, into a world where they were not safe, where their life was not guaranteed. 

The woman bit her bottom lip, peeking behind her shoulder. Im was standing there, looking impatient. “Speed it up, if you must.” He snapped. The woman flinched at the harsh tone, slowly turning back to Jimin. 

The queen shook his head furiously, his eyes widening in panic. “I’m so sorry.” She whispered, seconds before her hands met his abdomen. 

Jimin cried out, sitting up as he felt something move within him. “Please, your majesty.” The woman whispered once more. “Push.” Jimin groaned, sitting up more, clenching his eyes shut and gritting his teeth in agony as the woman assisted him. 

It seemed like hours passed in the span of a few minutes. 

Jimin collapsed when it was over. A shrill cry filled the room and Jimin whimpered once again, weakly lifting his arms out, wanting to hold his child. 

The woman washed the baby off, wrapping them into a small towel. 

“Congratulations, your majesty.” She whispered. “You’ve got yourself a beautiful boy.” Jimin let out a choked sob, his arms shaking as he held his boy for the first time. He instantly quieted once Jimin held him in his arms, looking down at his beautiful brown eyes. 

“Isn’t that sweet.” Jimin gasped, clutching his child to his chest as Im suddenly stepped forward. “A nice little first meeting with the mother.” The man smirked and Jimin shied away, using what little strength he had left to shield his child from the monster before him. “Trying to protect him now? I see how it is.” 

Suddenly there were two men entering the room, stalking straight towards the queen. Jimin growled at them, but was surprised when, instead of trying to rip his son from him, they grabbed him by the arms and shoved him to his feet, dragging him towards the door. 

“Let’s go greet your husband, shall we?”


Namjoon and the others waited for hours. None of the archers on the wall moved, and there was no sign of Im anywhere. He was starting to lose his patience, he wanted to know where Jimin was, what the man wanted to try and demand, what was going on. 

But finally, finally Im appeared. Namjoon saw him walk to the edge of the wall and looked down at him and his army. 

“Hello, traitor!” Im shouted down at him. 

Namjoon’s face hardened. “I believe it is you, who is the traitor.” He replied calmly back, projecting his voice enough for everyone to hear. “I am the rightful king, by marriage, by decree of the law. Yet you dare to steal my wife from me, my unborn child, and call me a traitor.”

“But it is you who was a traitor first, no? The late King, my friend, my brother, welcomed you into his home, entrusted you with the safety of his daughter, and what did you do? Killed him like a pig out for slaughter, killed his wife and the true heirs fiancé, my dear niece. Then you take the throne and force a marriage? I am no traitor, I am the right hand of the king, trying to reclaim the throne to the rightful bloodline!”

“And how do you suppose you’re going to do that? I have the whole army with me, you have a few nobles and boys, from what I see.”

“Oh, I won’t have to take it from you, if that’s what you’re thinking. You’ll give it to me.”

Namjoon’s eyebrows furrowed, his eyes narrowing. Im turned and motioned for something, and Namjoon gasped, taking a step back as if physically hit. 

Two men came, dragging Jimin between them, the man holding a small bundle in his arms. They dropped him to his knees at Im’s feet, his head cast down. “You have your wife and your son. Choose. Your throne or one of them.”

Namjoon growled, taking a step forward, but Im held up his hand, taking his sword out and resting it at the back of Jimin’s neck. “Nuh Uh Uh, don’t think I know about your little ability. But before your wind or your fire could even touch my men, your whore will be dead.”

Namjoon was going to kill him. Fury coursed through his system. “So what will it be!? Your wife? Your child? Or your throne?”

Namjoon would do it. He would give everything do Jimin and his son. He was about to say it, give it all up, but something stopped him. 


Jimin was rising to his feet, using what little strength he had. “You Can mess with me.” Jimin muttered, low enough so only Im could hear. “You Can do whatever you want with me. But you will never. Never! Fuck with my family!”

With a strangled war cry, Jimin released hell onto the men on the wall. Namjoon had opened his ability, ignited it when he was about to attack. 

And Jimin was using it. He burned every man on the wall, not sparing Im, even if he had some more words for the man. They were dead. All of them were dead. 

Namjoon relaxed. Jimin turned and smiled at his husband, wanting to rush down and embrace him, have him hold his son. 

But before he could move…

Something pierced him from behind him.

He cried out, his back arching in pain…

And tumbled over the edge of the wall. 

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