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Namjoon’s POV

“Are you sure?”

“Just go.” Jimin shooed me away. I’d asked if it would be alright to meet up with a friend of mine tonight. But then there would be no one to guard her. “It’s not like anything will happen anyway. I’ll be fine, Oppa.” She smiled at me brightly.

I nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow, princess.”

“Good night, Joonie Oppa.” She closed her door behind me and I sighed, turning down the hall. I exited the palace and headed into the city, stopping in front of a familiar bar.

I entered and glanced around, finding the people I was looking for in the back. They nodded at me when they saw me and I headed downstairs, into a private room.


“Hyung.” I greeted. I sat at the table and grabbed the beer that was waiting for me.

“You have gotten your position?”

“I have.”

“It was too easy. We’ll be able to kill the royal family within the week if it continues to go this smoothly.”

“Nobody seems to care for the princess. They’re all focused on the fact that she does not possess a gift.”

“So they picked a random man off of the streets to be her guard.”

“Basically.” I looked down at the drink in my hands, thinking about everything I’d learned today. It seemed like years had passed, but only a day had. “I have a slight change of plans.” I finally said.

“What do you mean?”

“I think that I will keep the princess alive.”

“What!?” Everyone said, standing up.

“You can’t do that, Namjoon! The whole family must die!”

“She cannot do anything. Everyone is right, she is just a weak girl, with no power.”

“So why keep her alive?”

“We have taken into account the unrest in the kingdom if we are to execute this plan. People may not be happy that the royal family is killed and basically a group of nobodies take over. But what happens if their new ruler marries the only living royal family member?”


“By law.” I said. “So we keep her alive. Not only will it be better for our plan, but I believe that she will pose no threat to us.”

“It seems that she has left quite the impression on you.”

“She has, I will not deny it. The princess is not quite what I have expected from a member of the royal family. The heir, either, but he must die, I cannot have anybody in the way of the throne.”

Everyone nodded.

“So when is this happening? You got into the castle and you’re close to the royal family constantly. When can we come?”

“A week from tomorrow. That is when everything will fall apart.”

“Then we will await your command, leader.” I nodded and stood. They stood as well, bowing to me before I stepped out.

I would be king.

And I would avenge every single person who’d died unjustly by the king’s hand.

Jimin’s POV

“P-please!” I cried, trying to run, but one of the men held me. Three lower class nobels, come to try and attack me.

“Such a beautiful princess. Too bad you’re just a useless thing.” One of them hissed.

“J-just let me go—“

“No. I don’t think so. We’ll have our way with you, princess. I’ve always wanted a taste of something royal. Besides, nobody would care, anyway.”

“I beg of you, do not do this. You will die—“

“By whose hand? You think anybody will care? You’re a weak and useless cunt. You can’t even be sold off to a husband because no man wants to fuck and impregnate a whore who could produce powerless heirs. You’re nothing but a common whore, nothing but a hole for my dick.”

I felt tears falling down my face as I tried to struggle. The male approached me, and I grew desperate. Panicked. But nothing could get me from his grip.

“P-please! No—!” He grabbed the front of my nightgown and ripped it open. I gasped, sucking in a breath as he froze.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” He asked quietly. “A man? You are a man!?” I groaned in pain as something connected with my abdomen harshly. “You’re a man! A useless cunt!”

The male laughed. “I got it now! You’re the dead heir! The one they had to kill off because you were useless! So they made you into a woman, a weak whore. Yet you can’t even do that right. You’re pathetic.”

I whimpered at the words, hurt.

Those words hurt.

They always did.

“Hyung!” I looked up weakly. Jungkook had entered the room, his eyes wild. He took in the scene around him and growled.

The men all froze, but quickly got into fighting positions, their eyes starting to glow faintly as they activated their abilities.

“J-Jungkook—“ But I couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t move as he transformed into a large cat. A leopard, maybe, and attacked the three men. They screamed and cried out.

I scooped away from the fight and reached my dresser, hastily pulling on a new nightgown, one that wasn’t ripped.

“What the hell is going on!?” I looked up, feeling the panic wash away slightly as I spotted Namjoon.

“O-Oppa.” I called weakly. Jungkook was perfectly capable of taking care of the men, and in no time he had them subdued.

“They attacked my sister.” He said quietly once he’d changed back.

“Oh.” Namjoon expression darkened. He grabbed a hold of two of them, Jungkook grabbing the third.

But one of the males twisted his head around. “We know you’re secret~” he sang. I shivered at the tone. “And we’re going to—“

“Shut up.” Jungkook said, punching him in the face.

“Where to?”

“My father.” Namjoon nodded and spared one last glance at me.

“I will be right back, Princess. Please do not leave this room, alright?” I nodded, taking in a shaky breath. I did not wish to be left by myself, but Jungkook could not drag three men away.

And so I was left alone.

I wasn’t scared of being alone.

I wasn’t scared of someone else coming in.

I was terrified.

Terrified of what my father would do to me once he found out.

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