Twenty Five

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Jimin awoke slowly, his eyes blinking in the soft light escaping from the drapes at the windows.

He whined softly, pushing his head back into Namjoon’s chest, shutting his eyes tight, not wanting to get up. He was sore, and his eyes hurt from the light.

He heard a deep rumble, peeking up slightly through the locks covering his eyes and blushing when he met Namjoon’s eyes.

“What is wrong, my queen? Tired?..sore?” He teased lightly. Jimin merely whined again, smacking the man on his bare chest. Namjoon chuckled again, shaking his head and sitting up, much to Jimin's distaste.

“Stay here…” He whined, pouring when the male didn’t listen, merely stood from the bed and dressed himself.

“I am sorry, my queen. But there are some things that I must attend to.”

“Can you not take a day off for your queen?” Jimin asked. “Your Queen is in need of his king.” Namjoon turned to the pouting male and his eyes softened.

He leaned down and attached his lips to Jimin in a soft and passionate kiss. “Does my queen demand this of me?”

Jimin giggled, looking down shyly. “Stay in bed with me, relax and spend time with your queen. He demands it of you.” Namjoon made a face, which offset an outburst of giggles.

“Your wish is my command, my queen.” Namjoon peeled his outer layer of robes off once more, and crawled back into the bed, scooping up a squealing Jimin into his arms and lightly tickling his sides.


“Hyungie~” Jungkook whined as Hoseok tore the sheets off of his relaxed form. “It’s too early.” He continued, waving his hand to try and ward off the male.

Hoseok laughed, amused by the younger’s antics and simply scooped the prince up into his arms, hauling towards his dresser. Jungkook whined, twisting in Hoseok’s arms.

“Don’t even think about it.” The older grumbled.

“What?” Jungkook teased lightly, a small smirk resting on his features even though he was still half asleep. Hoseok dropped Jungkook just as he shifted into a bunny. Hoseok gaped, scooping the stunned bunny up and snuggling him close.

“I’m so sorry my precious baby.” The older pouted, snuggling the prince further into his grasp, loving the soft fur rubbing against his neck. “Hoseokie is sorry, bunny.”

Jungkook giggled and nuzzled his head further into Hoseok’s neck. Hoseok chuckled. “Aren’t you going to be naked now, bun?” Jungkook paused, squeaking. He forgot about that.

Hoseok laughed as the bunny huffed,trying to wiggle out of his embrace.

“Are you teasing the poor boy, Seok?” Yoongi asked, standing at the doorway. Hoseok turned to him and smiled.


“Just let the poor boy get dressed. Namjoon’s gonna stay in today, said he’s on queen duty today. Meaning Jin’s in charge, but he’s...occupied with Tae right now, meaning me, and you know I can’t stand that fucking court without you. And bun isn’t allowed to be alone unless he’s sleeping.”

Jungkook jumped out of Hoseok’s arms and quickly scurried behind the changing screen next to his dresser he had placed in his room, since the two men liked to wake him up like this more often than not.

“It’s been a long time, am I still under guarded watch?” Jungkook whined once he’d changed.

“No.” Hoseok answered truthfully.

“Then why do I have to stay with you.”

“Well, technically Namjoon did tell us that you didn’t need to be supervised anymore, but it’s just an excuse for us to stick by you.” Yoongi said, winking. Jungkook blushed a deep scarlet and looked down, shuffling his feet shyly.

Yoongi laughed, throwing his head back and walked over to the suddenly shy prince, giving him a peck on the cheek. “You’re so adorable, bun. Let’s go.” Jungkook followed both men as they each grabbed one of his hands, leading him into the courtroom.

Jungkook found himself shrinking away from the stares the trio instantly got as they entered the room.

Men and women he knew growing up, who always used to gossip about him behind his back, but’s smile and be friendly to his face.

Apart from his father, these people were the next biggest reason Jungkook put a shell around himself. He wanted to fit their expectations, he’d been raised to fit their expectations.

That’s why he found himself drawing his hands back from the two men holding them and looking down, a bit submissively. Being gay wasn’t accepted among these people, being with two men was unheard of. And Jungkook used to be the heir, he should’ve been strong enough to overcome these traitors and take the throne back for his family, yet here he was, associating with the enemy.

Jungkook was the laughing stock among the court now. The weak prince, the vulnerable one.

Jungkook now knew how Jimin felt all those years. He’d been too blind to see how Jimin had been treated, but now he understood.

Yoongi glanced at the prince and grabbed his hand again, soaking him towards the throne. Hoseok stood beside it as Yoongi sat in it, turning to the court. “Namjoon is staying in today. You can go back to your pointless gossiping.” Yoongi said, bored.

Jungkook squeaked as he was suddenly pulled into the older’s lap. He blushed, looking down at this hands as Yoongi chuckled, amused. He leaned in to the prince’s ear. “Don’t let them get to you, bun. They don’t mean anything, they’re just rats in pretty clothes. You’re the real gem, bun, so keep your head up and don’t let them frighten you.”

Jungkook smiled shyly as the man grasped his hand, squeezing it comfortingly. “And if you are.” Hoseok said, leaning in as well. “We’ll be there to protect you.”

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