Thirty Four

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Jungkook walked into his room, shutting the door behind him. He sighed and walked across the room to his bookshelf, taking out a book he had been reading.

He hadn’t opened it since he’d gotten the message.

He’d found it when he’d woken up one morning, before Yoongi and Hoseok had. It had been slipped underneath his door sometime in the night.

He found himself traveling to the book and grabbing it, opening it slowly.

Soon you will have your rightful place as king, rightful heir, Jeon Jungkook.

There had been no name, and nothing else. He had chosen to ignore it, not thinking it anything. But the courtier confronting him earlier had set him off and he didn’t know how he felt about it.

But Jungkook didn’t know how to bring it up to the others. Surely they would be angry at him...would they blame him?

No...but Taehyung would tell them, surely. He was their brother after all, and he had seen the interaction, he knew Jungkook wasn’t interested in the throne whatsoever.

Jungkook was shy, he was insecure, and maybe he should tell them what had happened, but he knew that Taehyung probably would himself. He sighed, nodding to himself, making up his mind before stripping from his robes and putting on his night garbs, before sliding into the bed.

Sometime that night, Hoseok and Yoongi also slid into the bed, waking Jungkook up. He sloppily rolled over, smiling at the two men. “Go back to sleep bun, it’s been a long day.” Jungkook hummed in response, snuggling closer to Yoongi as Hoseok wrapped his arms around and drew him closer from behind.

Weeks, months passed, and Jungkook continued to enjoy his time with Hoseok and Yoongi. Jimin also spent more time with him, which he was happy about. His brother had been wrapped up in Namjoon and Jaebum, but now that things had settled and some time had passed, Jimin went back to spending his time with his younger brother.

He was eight and a half months pregnant now. The baby kicked often, and the queen’s stomach bulged out considerably. Jungkook loved to cuddle with the queen, petting his stomach and feeling the baby move inside.

Seokjin was almost always by Jimin as well, per Namjoon’s orders. The queen was to always be in the healer’s line of sight, in case something happened that needed immediate medical attention.

Seokjin loved how panicked Namjoon was, even when Jimin was around him. He always thought that something would happen to the queen, even though they had max security running the palace as well as their best healer and some of the best warriors around, always keeping their eyes on Jimin.

It was fun to see Namjoon run around like a chicken whose head had just been cut off.

Jimin seemed okay with all of the attention, as long as it kept Namjoon happy, too. He got to spend more time with friends, and Seokjin was quickly becoming closer to the queen than they had been before.

Jimin was walking down the hall, minding his own business when Yoongi suddenly rushed to the hallway.


“Where’s Jungkook?”

“Um...I thought he was with Hoseok Hyung. He’s always with one of you these days, why? Did something happen?” Yoongi shook his head, sighing.

“Go and find Namjoon. He needs to speak with you. But I need to find Jungkook, too.”

“Is something wrong? Hyung? Hyung!” Jimin calles, but Yoongi was already running down the hall, leaving the queen with no answers as to the urgency of his movements.

Sighing, the queen waddled his way down the hall, on his way to Namjoon’s office, where he knew the man would be, as he always was during the day. He knocked once he reached the doors, opening the door when he heard a faint ‘come in’.

“Joonie...Yoongi Hyung said that you needed to see me? What’s with all of the rush?”

“We’ve received word that Im is moving further towards the Capitol.” Namjoon muttered, standing from his desk and walking to his husband, kissing him in greeting. “He’s declared war on us. Says that I have no real claim to the throne.”

“That’s preposterous. Of course you do. You’ve married me, and I am the eldest of the late king.”

“I know, but he seems to think that Jungkook is the rightful heir, and wishes to place him on the throne, like he would listen.”

“Jungkookir? But he would never do something like that.”

“I know, but I have reasons to believe that someone will try and approach your brother and try to convince him otherwise, and you can never be too safe. I need to make sure that his loyalty lies with me.”

“It doesn’t.” Both Jimin and Namjoon turned. Jimin gaped at his brother, who was standing there, fear in his eyes at the words he’d just spoken, but holding no lies in them.

“What?” Namjoon asked, his tone low and warning.

“My loyalties. They do not lay with you. I’m sorry if that is not the answer you are looking for, but I will not lie to you. The only person I trust and am loyal to is Jimin Hyung. And as long as he is loyal to you and supports you, then you can be rest assured that I will, too. But I don’t want you to mistake that for me being loyal to you, because I am not. You my be his husband, but we have spent no more than five minutes alone together before.”

Namjoon grit his jaw, looking like he wanted to say something, but he finally sat down, accepting it. “And you won’t be making any power plays against me, or accepting offers from traitors?”

“No.” Jungkook shook his head, furiously. “I Of course I wouldn’t. I would be putting Jimin Hyung in danger, and that is the last thing I want. I would never, I swear it.”

“Good.” Namjoon nodded and Jungkook bowed, Hoseok leading him out of the room. Jimin sighed and turned to Namjoon.

“Happy now?”

“No, not really. I would prefer—“

“Namjoon, Jungkook may not be the one to protect you with his life, but he will…gods I do not want to say this, because I will never let this happen...but Jungkook would protect me with his life, and that’s all that you can ask for, Okay?”

“Okay.” Namjoon sat back, feeling a bit more calm about the situation. “Okay.”

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