Twenty One

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Six months later~

"Come on, hyung!" Jimin laughed as he ran around the courtyard after his brother.

Jungkook was squealing and running through the gardens as Jimin ran after him.

A childish game of tag had begun, but no one was complaining. The two brothers were laughing and shrieking and looked so happy.

The other five men were sitting on the garden benches, observing rhe two princes.

"I can't believe we hated them so much." Jin finally sighed out. "Even though I'd been around them the longest, I guess I still harbored hate for the both of them. But looking at them now, I can't see why I did."

"We had misconceptions of them and what they were like. They had been presented as one way to everyone, and they were never in the public eye. So it's really not that hard to assume they were just like their parents."

"I just feel bad for them. They suffered just as much as we did."

"But look at them now." Namjoon said with amusement lacing his voice. They all turned just as Jimin tackled Jungkook to the ground and yelled out in victory before getting up and running away, shrieking as Jungkook began to chase him this time.

"You care for him." Yoongi observed, watching Namjoon follow Jimin's every move.

"I do." Namjoon admitted. "He's kind and beautiful, inside and out."

"I know what you mean." Namjoon turned to Hoseok.

"What do you mean?"

"Jungkook. He's nothing like what we thought. He's just a scared kid, oppressed by his parents and the court. But he's just so sweet and loving all of the time."

"You like him?"

"You making fun of me?"


"Wait, hold up!" Taehyung suddenly exclaimed. "Weren't you and Yoongi a thing, though?"

"Yeah, I don't have a problem with it. Jungkook is adorable. You know that when he gets scared or stressed out that he shifts into a bunny? A fucking rabbit for christ's sake! It's the cutest shit ever."

"Really!?" Jin looked surprised. The five men all broke into smiles.

"I think that our family's finally complete." Namjoon admitted.

"I guess so."


Jimin was nervous.

His foot kept tapping on the small throne he had, his hands playing with each other as he kept glancing at his feet and then back up at the doors.

Namjoon looked beaide him and sighed. "Please call down, dove." He said gently, placing a steady hand onto his queen's.

"I-i'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, I know why you're nervous, but nothing will happen, okay."


Jimin was nervous.

Nervous because today they'd caught someone.

Someone who had been particularly cruel to Jimin, who had tormented him and done things maybe even worse than Lisa had.

His father's advisor, right hand man, and best friend.

The man had escaped, and had been on the run for the past six months since Namjoon had taken the throne.

A group of rebels in the Kingdom had harbored them, and rumors of an uprising to bring the country back to how it had been before.

The man had hated Jimin with a passion. He had mocked him, abused him, and one time he had even been the one to whip him aside from his father.

The man was absolutely vile and to say that Jimin was nervous to see him, to face him, was an understatement.

Namjoon and the others had also figured out that he had been the one behind the assassination attempt on Jimin.

The doors suddenly swung open, much sooner than Jimin was ready for them to. Three guards dragged a man in, between their arms, and deposited him on the floor, directly in front of the throne. “Your majesty.” All three days in unison, bowing. Then they turned to Jimin. “Your majesty.” They said again, followed by yet another boy.

Jimin ignored them and looked at the man on the ground. “N-Namjoon.” He said quietly.


“Th-That isn’t him.”

“What?” Namjoon eyes snapped to the three guards. “Then who is it?” He said quickly, turning back to his queen.

“H-his son. J-Jaebum…” Jimin trailed off. He slowly rode from his throne and descended the stairs, halting in front of the man. “J-Jaebum…” he called softly.

The man raised his head, his face looking awfully beat up and abused. “J-Jimin?” He asked, his eyes flickering in surprise. “’re a man?”

“Y-Yes Jaebum…” Jimin said shyly. He kneeled down in front of him. “Jaebum...I thought you were out of the country.”

“I-i was. But father called me back after telling me what had happened...he said the whole entire royal family had been killed. And that we were the last ones to stand against the new tyrant.”

“And you believed him?” Jimin asked, slightly amused but also slightly pitiful.

Jaebum laughed, shaking his head. “You’re right, I’m a fool to believe him.”

Jimin turned to Namjoon. “Please don’t do anything to him, Joonie. He is someone I knew a long time ago and has nothing to do with this.”

“I will take what you have said into consideration, dove. But you must understand that I can still not trust him completely.”

“I-I understand.”

“But I will have him put somewhere more comfortable and have his wounds treated. But until I can prove his trust and loyalty, he will be under heavy guard.”

“T-thank you.”

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