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It was an adjustment. 

It took months.

Jungkook was sick almost every day, his body adjusting to not being able to use an ability. His body was not used to having to change everyday, now forced to stay in its original form. For years, he’d been hiding behind his shell, and now he had no barrier to hide behind. 

His mind kept grasping for strings that were no longer there. 

And it wasn’t just getting used to not being able to change his form upon will. 

But also work on his self esteem. 

It was okay that he looked such a way. 

It was okay that he was now powerless. 

It was okay to rely on others. 

It was okay to open up to others. 

Jungkook spent a lot of time alone in his room, not even letting Yoongi or Hoseok in. 

Jimin stayed in his room, too. 

He never left, constantly sobbing and crying, horrified at himself, his body, for doing such a thing to his brother. Such an unimaginable thing. An ability was an extension of the soul. And Jimin had ripped half of Jungkook’s soul from his body. 

He would have to live with that knowledge for the rest of his life. 

That he was the reason his brother would always be crippled, that courtiers would now stare at him, that he was what society looked down upon. 


And it was all his fault. 

Months passed. 

Months of sorrow filled, tear stained nights. 

Namjoon tried his best to comfort Jimin. 

Yoongi and Hoseok tried to get through to Jungkook. 

Jungkook was the first to crack. 

One day he just opened his bedroom door, the two men having been sitting out there like usual, all day and night, not wanting to do anything but make sure that the prince was okay. The prince had opened the door, just a crack, only so that the two men could see one eye, his body hidden behind the door. 

“Jungkook…” Yoongi whispered, reaching forward, but the door shut just as quickly as it had opened, leaving the two men dejected once more. 

The next day the door opened again. And Jungkook found himself letting the two men into his room, but hid under a mountain of blankets. “Jungkook...it’s okay.” Hoseok whispered gently. “We don’t care what you look like, how your body is. You’re beautiful. Perfect, just the way you are.”

“How are you?” Yoongi pressed as well. “Are you okay?”

Jungkook shook his head. “Jimin hates me now.” Jungkook whispered. 

The two men exchanged an astonished look. “Of course he doesn’t.” Hoseok instantly denied. “Jimin locks himself in his room, ridden with guilt. H-he...he thinks you hate him now. B-because of how...your ability…” Hoseok trailed off, knowing how sensitive the subject must be. 

“I-I forced him to do it...b-but now I-I’m like this and no one loves me—“

“That is not true.” Yoongi said, his voice suddenly turning flat and had. “Don’t you ever say that, ever again Ju Kook. I don’t want you to even think it. Don’t. I can see it in your eyes that you don’t believe me, but you are beautiful in every shape and form, and anyone would be an idiot not to love you.”

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