Thirty Two

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“He just...he just fucking said ‘okay’.” Namjoon sighed and ran a hand through his hair, feeling lost and confused.

“Well, I mean, you knew he was planning for it, right? You’ve both been planning for it.”

“I didn’t know it would be this soon! He said he needed time, and I wasn’t going to push him, and I would like a heads up at least—“

“It sounds like you’re unhappy that he’s pregnant.”

“God no, I couldn’t be happier. I’m just...this is trippy as fuck and I’m just trying to process everything without loosing my mind.” Jin smiled, patting the man on the back.

“Why don’t you just focus on his party then, instead of him being pregnant? I’m sure that would help you.”

“The party...shit you’re right! His birthday is tomorrow!” Namjoon suddenly stood up quickly and bid his farewell to his brother before rushing out of the room.

Jin shook his head and sighed, turning back to his work. “Honestly.”


The servants and everyone else was in a frenzy in preparation for the ball tomorrow. Namjoon hadn’t invited any guests, as he hadn’t had a lot of time to make foreign treaties, so there was no one but the city to invite.

A festival would also take place in the city, so the whole kingdom could celebrate. Namjoon wanted everything to be perfect for his husband. He wanted to see a smile on Jimin's face so wide, that it wouldn’t go down for days. He wanted to give his Queen the whole world.

And this was just the beginning of what he would do for him.


“Come on!” Jimin laughed as his brother dragged him along, happily skipping down the halls.

“Slow down, Kookie!” Jimin giggled out, coming to a stop. He was running, out of breath. Placing his hands on his knees, he took a little break.

“Is something wrong?”

“I’m not in tip top shape anymore Kookie.” Jimin explained, waving his hand. “You know with the pregnancy and all.”

“Oh. Yeah, the preg—WAIT THE PREGNANCY!?” Jimin covered his ears as Jungkook suddenly screamed through the corridor.

“Shhh! Way to announce it to the whole world!”

“Why didn’t you tell me!?”

“Because I just found out this morning, and the first thing you did when you saw me was dragged me through the hall! You didn’t let me tell you!” Jungkook pouted, but nodded.

They walked slower, to wherever Jungkook wanted to take Jimin. They arrived in his rooms, Yoongi and Hoseok lounging around. They looked up as the two boys entered, but then went back to their own things.

Jungkook skipped across to his drawer, pulling out a small wrapped gift. He handed it to Jimin excitedly. “I know your birthday is tomorrow, but I probably won’t see much of you with the festival and the ball and everything, so I thought I’d give your present to you now!” He smiled brightly and Jimin smiled back.

“Thank you, Kookie.” Jimin looked down and unwrapped the paper, smiling at the beautifully made bracelet, little animal pendants hanging from it. “Thank you.”

“Put it on! Put it on! Oh, and you can give it to your son or daughter when they’re born! Wouldn’t it look so cute on them!? Oh their head would be so small that you could use it as a little crown!”

“Wait...YOU'RE PREGNANT!?” Jimin sighed. It would be a long day.


“Morning, dove.” Jimin whined, turning over, waving away whoever was trying to wake him up. “Come on, love, time to get up.” Namjoon chuckled, gently prodding Jimin awake. The man groaned, sitting up slowly.

He sighed, kissing Namjoon good morning and then sliding from the bed. “It’s too early.” He grumbled.

“We have a long day ahead. And I wanted some alone time so that I could give you your present in private.” Jimin was suddenly more awake, and he smiled, accepting the gift in Namjoon’s hand.

He was about to open it...when he threw it on the bed (in case it was something fragile that could break) and rushed to the bathroom.

Hurling his guts out.

“Ugh, Great way to start my birthday.” Jimin joked, once Namjoon had helped him clean up and feel better. Namjoon nodded slowly, sighing as he rubbed Jimin’s back.

The queen turned once again to the gift, unwrapping it. He gasped, picking up the necklace, a dainty little pendant, shaped into a dove hanging there. “It’s beautiful.”

“It’s perfect for you, dove.” Namjoon whispered, kissing the top of Jimin’s head. “I had it especially made. A good luck charm. It was infused with good luck, so whenever you wear it, it’ll protect you. You and our child.” Jimin felt himself tearing up. He let Namjoon put the necklace on and then turned, kissing him on the lips.

“I love you.”

“Happy birthday, dove.”

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