Chapter 5

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*** One Week Later ***

It had been a week since Ava had thrown the bedpan at Connor in the hospital. She hadn't seen him much as she had unfortunately caught Sophia's cold and had not been at work for a while. She could sense that he would be getting confused and was expecting him to show up at the door any day now. It could actually be the right opportunity for him and Sophia to reunite... if she recognized him at all. She was only 6 months old when he left, but she had asked Ava many times about her daddy and she knew that he was the man in the photos. Sophia was standing by the couch where Ava was laying, drawing on a chalkboard. It was still just scribbles but Ava loved to watch the concentration on her face while she doodled away. Almost like clockwork there was a knock at the door. Ava slowly got up, still wrapped in a thick blanket and dragged it with her across to the door. She peeped through the spy hole and could see Connor standing there in the grey long coat that she always loved him in, a navy blue scarf wrapped around his neck and the remnants of a black eye, she assumed was from her outburst last week. She sighed quietly and slowly opened the door just a crack so they could talk without Sophia seeing.

C: Hello.

A: Hello.

C: What's going on? Where have you been?

A: Sick.

C: Well, I can see that now. No offence.

Ava smirked at him and rolled her eyes.

A: What is it Connor?

C: We still need to talk now that maybe you've calmed down a bit. Can I come in? Is Sophia here? Can I see her?

Connor was on his tiptoes trying to peek around the sides of the door into the apartment.

A: Yes she is and yes of course you can. BUT FIRST. She may not even know who you are. You are prepared for that right? I am not gonna force her to see you if she doesn't want to. She always comes first right. You know that?

C: Yes I totally agree. I will not force anything. Promise. I just have to see her.

Ava paused for a second and looked him up and down before swallowing hard. She slowly creaked the door open allowing Connor to step into the apartment. Sophia still hadn't looked up from her chalkboard. She was humming away to herself as she continued drawing. Connor had frozen and was just watching her. Ava could see he had tears in the corner of his eyes. His breathing had gone shallow. After a few moments of silence Sophia looked up and saw him. She also paused for a second as she tried to figure out why she recognized this man standing in her home. After a moment it was suddenly as if a light bulb went of inside her tiny head. She simply raised one finger and pointed straight at Connor. "Dadda" she said as she looked over to Ava for confirmation.

A: Yes, that's your daddy, sweetheart.

S: Dadda.

Connors face had gone red and the tears that were in his eyes had fallen onto his cheeks. He had bent down to her level now and was simply watching as Sophia put the pieces together. A second later her face suddenly switched from a look of confusion into a huge grin. She suddenly lunged forward and ran to him. Straight into his arms. Giggling the whole time. Connor swept her up and held her tight for a minute before smothering her in kisses. She was still laughing when Connor glanced over to Ava who was now crying too. He gave her a warm, reassuring smile before placing Sophia back down on the ground. Sophia ran off excitedly into her room, leaving Connor and Ava alone together in the lounge. He looked back at her again. She was staring at her slippers.

C: She's so beautiful Ava. Looks just like you. Especially that smile.

With that comment she looked up at him. Staring right into his eyes.

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