Chapter 11

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*** A Week Later ***

It was late Afternoon and Connor had just spent the day with Sophia. She had fallen asleep on the car ride over again and Connor was carrying her up to Ava's apartment. He knocked on the door and waited outside for Ava to open it. As soon as it swung open he walked straight in and immediately headed for Sophia's room. He lay her in bed and took off her shoes. She was wearing her pink tutu again, refusing to go anywhere without it. He thought maybe now would be a good time to stick in the wash, but then gave it a second thought. He really didn't wanna have to deal with the fallout of such a betrayal especially when this kid was half Bekker. He kissed her on the top of the head and walked out, flicking on her nightlight as he left. 

Ava was standing with her arms crossed in the lounge, waiting for him. 

A: Connor, its 5pm. She is gonna wake in two hours FULL OF ENERGY AND SHE WILL BE UP TILL MIDNIGHT RUNNING AROUND LIKE CRAZY. I have an a.m. tomorrow.

C: I can't keep her awake in the car when I'm alone. I have to focus on driving. 

A: Yeah well its alright for you isn't it. You don't have to deal with the consequences of your own actions. 

C: Oh really? Cos it certainly feels like I'm dealing with it RIGHT NOW.


C: Nothing. Forget I said anything. 


C: OKAY FINE. First of all, quit it with the yelling, you will wake her up. but then again maybe that's what you want. And Second, none of this would be an issue if she just stayed with me the days I have her.

A: 1) Don't tell me what to do. 2) I haven't even seen where you are living. So no, she stays here. She has one home. Any idea how confusing that would be to be spending nights somewhere else? She has only ever known this place and me when she wakes up in the nights.  

C: So what are you saying? I can't ever have her overnight? 

A: No not at all. Just for now. Until you get a proper place and I have had enough time to get used to the idea. 

C: You know I could not agree to this?

A: Yes. Are you really going to do that?

C: I want my daughter.

A: You can have her whenever you want. I just, FOR NOW, want her to be here when she wakes up. Please please don't make this any harder on us all than it needs to be. 

C: I won't, but I do think you are being a little selfish, this isn't really about you is it?

A: What? Me? Selfish? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE TAKING THE PISS. Are you serious?

C: Yeah, deadset.

A: WHAT THE HELL CONNOR. The nerve of you. Get out. 

C: Ay?

A: Leave.

C: Why? 


C: Typical, doesn't get EXACTLY what she wants so throws a fit instead. Classic Ava.

Connor and Ava were face to face, locked in a deadly stare. She was pushing him towards the door and Connor was smirking, almost as if finding the whole situation entertaining. As they got closer to the doorway, Ava could feel herself getting angrier and angrier. She gave him one final shove and he tripped as he headed out the apartment. Connor walked slowly down the hallway to the elevator chuckling to himself when he heard Ava scream "AND DON'T COME BACK!" followed by a loud slam that echoed down the corridor. Ava was standing up against the door, breathing heavily. She could feel herself starting to cry so she sunk to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest and tucking her head down. She sat there motionless for five minutes. Before getting up and walking into Soph's room. She was still sleeping peacefully, blissfully unaware of the events that had just unfolded between her parents. Ava crawled into bed beside her and pulled her little body close to her body, wrapping both arms around her little girl. She didn't stir. Ava held tightly onto her daughter, while watching her tiny face as she slept. 


Connor had left Ava's and was now driving at full speed towards the hospital in his new car, another thing Ava was not impressed by. He was angry but had bigger things to focus on right now. Multiple patients were being admitted to the ED with some sort of mysterious illness and he had been paged. He also had to meet his mother in the cafeteria before shift to discuss a so called 'important matter'. As he pulled into the hospital parking lot he could see the ambulances below flowing non-stop into the bay. He ran down the stairs and straight into the lobby and through to the cafe. His mother was sitting at a table with a newspaper and a latte. 

C: Mom!

E: Ah there you are.

C: What's up?

E: Could we sit down please?

C: Mum in case you hadn't noticed the dozens of ambulances flying past that window, I'M SORTA IN A BIT OF A RUSH.

E: Excuse me? Don't talk to me like that? What the hell has gotten into you today Connor? I thought you were with Ava and Sophia this afternoon? Assumed you would be in a good mood after that.

C: Ugh I AM SO SICK OF THOSE WORDS. "What the hell this, what the hell Connor that. ENOUGH.

E: SNAP OUT OF THIS RIGHT NOW. Now tell me, what is going on?

C: Ava and I had a bit of an argument.


C: Look if your gonna be sarcastic I am just gonna go. 

E: Sit down. Tell me.

C: She won't let me have Sophia stay the night.

E: And I don't blame her for that at all. 

C: Wait. WHAT?

E: I love you son but, you are currently living in a TINY 17th floor apartment, with no child-proofing and terrible neighbors, in a terrible neighborhood with no sign of moving. You drive a Maserati with barely no room in the back for a car seat and kids gear, especially now that shes getting bigger. It doesn't seem to me, and obviously to her as well that you have any intentions of changing that AND you did leave her with a baby to fly to Mexico for, at the time, unknown reasons. All that child has know for over a year is her mother, that house, a set schedule and then you show up and just blow it all up. She is gonna have some issues Connor. She's a mother. By the sounds of it a very good one. And you should be grateful that your baby has a mom like that. 

C: You can talk.

E: Huh? 

C:You preach about motherhood like you know ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Nad besides I went to Mexico FOR YOU.

E: I suggest you stop talking right now before you say something you will regret. I can see you're angry and that's fine, But I did not raise you to be the kind of man who raises his voice and treats his mother, the mother of his child and other women like this. I am assuming you said something stupid,  now go and fix it. 

C: I didn't say anything that I did not mean! Oh and thanks for the support and the parenting/relationship advice mother, but I think I'm gonna pass. Besides what you just said is all irrelevant because you actually didn't raise me. You ran away to Mexico to escape a shitty husband and left your two young children with him. I wouldn't wanna listen to what you said in a million years. NOW IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME YOUR HIGHNESS I HAVE WORK TO DO.

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