Chapter 10

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*** 3 Days Later ***

It was a slow day in the office and Connor and Ava were sitting in the Emergency Department doctor's lounge with Will and Noah. There was barely ever a day where anyone got to sit down and today just about everyone was sitting around doing nothing. Connor was at the table with a cup of coffee, flicking through a medical journal. Ava was sitting on the couch filling in some charts and late paperwork and Noah was playing on his phone. Will was just sitting there switching between staring at the wall and then at each of the other people in the room, he was clearly bored. After a a few more silent minutes Ava shut the laptop lid and placed it on the coffee table in front of her.  She then got up and headed over to the small fridge. Will perked up as he saw her move.

W: Lunch time?

A: Just a snack.

W: Oh nice. What you having?

A: Small talk? really? 

W: Nope. More of an attempt to possibly steal some food. 

A: Did you not bring any lunch? 

W: No.

A: Cafeteria?

W: Meat loaf day. 

At those words Connor looked up and then straight at Ava who was already looking directly at him. They both giggled.

A: Fair play William. That stuff is lethal. Hard as a rock. Tasted like it may have been made with the medical waste. I have another yogurt in there. You are welcome to it.

C: Woah. Hey! How come you will NEVER let me have one of those things. You used to guard em with your life and now Willy gets one?

A: Willy is a gentlemen who happens to be nice to me.

C: And I'm not?

A: No. You are a mean mean boy who likes to pull my pigtails.

C: Wow.

Maggie poked her head into the room and pointed straight at Will. "You. Come."
Will let out a long sigh and slammed the yogurt pot down on the table where Connor was sitting and the contents of the cup sprayed up and went all over his clean black scrubs. 

A: Well, that's gonna stain. 

C: It will still show up less as than that cat hair all over your pants. 

N: Wait cat?

C: Yes Dr Bekker here... wait for it... decided to take in a cat. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Ava Bekker WITH AN ADORABLE FLUFFY LITTLE CAT.

A: What on earth is so strange about that?

C: It's just not very 'Ava-ish"

A: How so?

C: Well cats are cute and soft and warm and loving and your just... not.

A: You sure you wanna continue talking right now??? because I have a full pot of yogurt in my hand and you have a very tempting head.

C: Nuff said.

A: Mm hmm.

N: Yeah Imma go now because this is getting a little too 'bantery' for me?

Noah slipped his phone into his pocket and slowly walked over to the door and out into the ED that was still near-on empty.

A: Bantery?

C: Oh its a term for like chatty flirting. Teasing. Like making fun but in a cute way? 

A: Is that a question?

C: I don't know I suck at explaining things.

A: Clearly.

C: SEE THAT WAS BANTER. Good example Doctor.

Ava sighed and got back up off the couch, putting the yogurt pot in the bin before sitting down at the table, in the chair next to Connor. He was staring at a wall with his fingers in his mouth, chewing his nails. Ava watched him for a second and then reached over and took a sip out of his coffee cup. 

A: Good god! How much sugar did you put in there? CONNOR YOU ARE A SURGEON NOT A 5YR OLD BOY. YOU MUST KNOW BY NOW THAT SUGAR IS BAD!

C: Well maybe you should keep your paws off!

A: Okay, what is it? 

C: Huh?

A: Something is bothering you. You only ever bite your nails when you are anxious for something. So come on. Fess up. 

C: No it's uhhh.... umm... No its nothing.

A: Convincing

The room went silent again and Ava began to leaf through the journal on the table.


A: What have you gone and done?

C: I ripped the skin down the side of my nail.

A: That's entirely your own fault. I have no sympathy.

C: It really hurts. Oh and now its bleeding. 

Ava reached out and grabbed Connor's hand aggressively and stared at the injury on his ring finger.

A: Awwww you poor baby. Can the fancy surgeon guy not handle a simple band-aid? Poor Conny got a boo boo. Need me to kiss it better?

C: That is a great idea! I think it would actually really help.

Ava froze and then slowly moved her head upwards to make eye contact with Connor who was already gazing down at her. They sat like that for a moment until Ava's phone went off, interrupting the moment. 

A: It's Latham, we just had a urgent patient come in with signs of an aneurysm. I gotta go. 

As she stood up from the table, she kept her eyes locked on Connor. After a moment the door to the lounge opened and a strange woman was standing in the way. Both Ava and Connor looked away to see who it was. "Oh it looks like I am interrupting something, I'm sorry." she said. Ava looked down at her hand to see it was still tightly grasping Connor's. She quickly pulled hers away and then cautiously gazed back up at Connor whose stare was still fixed on the woman. 

A: Anyway I really gotta go. I'm sorry.

Ava collected up her stethoscope and phone from the table and rushed out of the room, apologizing again to the woman as she squeezed past her and ran up the hallway. Once Ava was out of earshot the woman walked further into the room and sat down beside Connor. 

"You could have at least introduced me."

C: It wasn't the time mom. 

"She certainly is very beautiful. And she smells good too, that perfume. Lilacs I believe. Gorgeous."

C: Mother please don't sniff my ex girlfriends and yes I know, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

"Connor, I didn't sniff her, you could smell that just simply being in the same room as her. I have to say that I am a tad dissapointed that she is still an 'ex', I was really hoping it would have all worked out for you two."

C: Yes still an 'ex'. She's angry. She has every right to be. I really cocked this one up. 

"Didn't look that angry to me."

Let You Love Me - a Rhekker, Chicago Med StoryWhere stories live. Discover now