Chapter 12

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*** 6 Hours Later ***

Connor was still busy at the hospital and Ava was at home sitting on the couch. It was 2 am but she couldn't sleep. The TV was on in the background and she could hear the news talking about disaster after disaster. It wasn't helping her mood in the slightest. Just before the presenter was talking about a young girl going missing in Tampa, and now it was covering the shooting in New Zealand. She flicked to the next channel and it was still the same thing. The depressing events were inescapable. She put the telly on mute and headed into the kitchen and got some left over dinner out of the fridge. She was standing at the bench, munching on a bit of broccoli when there was a knock at the door. Who could it be at this time? She knew Connor was still on call and she didn't really have any friends. Maybe Nat had been called in and needed her to watch Owen. She walked over to the door with a container of stir fry in her hand and opened it slowly, expecting to see Natalie and Owen. It was the woman who interrupted her and Connor in the break room a while back. Had she followed her? How did she know where she lived? Was this all just a weird coincidence? 

A: Hi. Can I help you?

E: Yes actually. I'm Elizabeth.

A: Elizabeth... Rhodes?

E: In the flesh. 

A: Oh hello. 

E: Have I caught you at a bad time? I see you are having dinner.

A: Oh no I couldn't sleep was just snacking. It's comfort eating really. Would you like to come in? I can make some coffee.

E: If you don't mind, I would love to talk. 

A: Yes me too. Listen i'm sorry about rushing out the other day... if I had of know, I would have said something. 

E: Its quite alright Ava, its a tricky situation. To say the least.

A: Understatement of the millennia. Would you like some coffee? 

E: Yes please. White, 3 sugars. 

Ava flicked the kettle on and couldn't help but laugh a little. 3 sugars? At least now she knew where Connor got his sweet tooth from. As it boiled she put the stir fry back in the fridge and quickly wiped her face, before Elizabeth could see the sauce on her cheek. 

E: Was that sweet and sour you were just eating? Smelled like it. 

A: Uhhh.... I.... Yeah it was. How did you...?

E: Did Connor show you how to make that?

A: Um yes he did actually, a few months after we started dating. When I was pregnant. 

E: He always really good at that. Smells so familiar to me.

A: Sorry I should have offered you some.

E: Oh no its alright thank you, I have had it many times. Besides I had some of that ghastly meatloaf at the hospital cafeteria a few hours ago, it was uhhh... interesting. Don't think I should eat for a bit after that. Its just I taught him that recipe when he was just a boy. He never forgot. I just found it very sweet that now you know how to cook it too. Like a family recipe.

As the words left Elizabeth's mouth Ava could feel herself going a bit red. Did she just call me 'family?' The kettle had boiled now and Ava got up again to make the drinks. As she was pottering around in the kitchen, Elizabeth got up and started to look at some of the photos hung up on the wall. Most of them where of Sophia. 

E: She's absolutely stunning. Looks just like a copy of you, except with Connors blue eyes. 

A: Yeah that's what we always said.

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