Chapter 4

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*** 3 Hours Later ***

Ava still had not got a reply from Connor. She was already very restless and to make it worse, Sophia had caught a cold. Ava was due at work in the ED at 7 p.m but she didn't want Sophia going to Nat's while sick. She needed to stay home with her little girl. Besides she didn't want Owen to get sick as well. She picked up her phone off the coffee table. Her and Sophia had spent the last hour watching Tangled on the TV, wrapped up in blankets and hot water bottles. She pulled up Maggie's contact and called the number. She answered instantly. 

M: Hey Ava, whats up?

A: Hey Mags, sorry to do this but I won't be able to come into work tonight. My baby is sick and I need to be with her. 

M: Of course, absolutely. 

A: Am I leaving you short? I can try make some arrangements if you really need me.

M: No no no. You stay home with your girl. I'm sure you are aware we have an extra surgeon back at the hospital now. 

A: How could I possibly forget that?

M: He knew you were rostered to work the night shift. What shall I tell him if he asks?

A: Just tell him the truth.

M: Won't he want to come see her? I bet he is dying to already. 

A: I would imagine so, but he can't can he? He has to work. 

M: You are absolutely right. Besides he has his whole life to see her. If he left her for a year, I'm sure he can wait one more night. 

A: Too right. 

M: Alright Ava. Have a good evening. Give little Soph a kiss from Aunt Mags. Hope she gets well quick. 

A: Me too. I've done all I can to make her feel better. Thanks, Mags. 

M: Bye Sweetie. 

Ava put her phone back down on the table and looked over at Sophia who had fallen asleep. Her cheeks were bright pink and she was only wearing a shirt and a nappy. She was sucking on her thumb and clutching a Winnie the Pooh stuffed toy. Ava could watch her sleep all night. She was perfect. After a few minutes she laid down beside her daughter and gently wrapped an arm around her tiny sleeping body. Withing 5 minutes they were both asleep on the couch. 


Ava woke up the next day and got ready for work. She had swapped last nights, evening shift for an a.m. Sophia was much better and was going to be spending the day with Natalie and Owen at the children's museum. As she was driving to Med Ava, was preparing to see Connor. She knew he would probably still be there from the night before and didn't really know what she was going to say to him. In the end she decided the best two options were to a) confront him or b) AVOIDANCE. She decided to go with option b for now as she still hadn't planned a speech to lecture him with. As she drove into the staff parking lot she could see a brand new Tesla, and immediately knew that it would be Connors new car. She got out the car and flung her black backpack over her right shoulder and marched inside. She poked her head around the corner of the ED doors and scanned the room. After a minute she finally caught Wills attention and waved him over. 

W: Ava? What on earth are you doing?

A: Hiding. 

W: Hiding? From who?

A: Oh come on. Who do you think?

W: Ah well good luck with that cos he offered to pull a double. Is working all of today as well. Might be a bit tricky.

A: Fuck. Okay. Well I shall avoid for as long as possible. Where is he now? 

W: Cafeteria. He has 30 min break. Catching up with April. They are getting lunch together. 

A: Thanks Will. I have some time before the inevitable. 

W: I'm sorry Ava, I can't imagine how awful you are feeling.

A: I would be more worried for him if I were you Will. 

W: Oh I see what you mean now. Haha. 

A: See ya later Will.

W: Yep. Laters. 


6 Hours later, Ava was just finishing up with a tricky surgery that had taken most of her shift. Not to mention also successfully avoiding Connor for nearly the entire day. As she was walked out of the OR she was staring at her tablet, entering the surgical notes into the system. She bumped into someone in the corridor and without looking up, apologized and carried on walking. The person started to follow her towards the nurses station and she could sense them close behind her. Ava stood up straight and turned around. Finding herself face to face with Connor. She didn't say or do anything. Just stared at his face. He did the same. After a moment she stepped to the side and started to walk away when he grabbed her by the arm. 

C: Ava.

A: Dr Rhodes. 

C: We need to talk.

A: I know that's why I texted you earlier genius. 

C: No. This conversation needs to be done face to face. 

A: Well I think that's a bad idea.

C: Why you scared of me or somethin?

A: Scared of what I may do to you is more accurate. I don't trust myself to play nice right now. 

Connor sighed and pulled her into a close-by supply room. 

A: WHAT are you doing?

C: Listen Ava, please just give me a chance to explain. I know I hurt you. But that wasn't the plan. Look, the woman I came here with... Its not what it looks like... I know Nat told you... Can you please look at me...?

Ava was staring at the ground with both hands in her pockets, not paying any attention to what Connor was saying. 

C: Avey, are you even listening to me?

Ava suddenly looked up at him with a mean scowl and threw a handful of gauze patches at him from inside her pocket. Connor looked confused as the cotton pieces hit his face and then fell to the ground.

C: Ow??? Was that supposed to hurt?

A: Oh okay then. I see. You want hurt? Here then. 

Ava picked up a metal bed pan from one of the shelves and lobbed it straight at his head. It made a metallic clang as it hit and the pee that was still festering inside it went all over Connor. It made a loud crash as it hit the trays of needles and scalpels and then fell to the ground. Ava flung the door open and marched straight out of the supply closet. Connor tried to follow, but slipped on the puddle of urine that had now spread across the hospital floor. She stormed away towards the ED yelling "AND DON'T CALL ME AVEY!!!" before leaving the hospital entirely. 


Hola amigos, I hope you liked this slightly lighter chapter aha. A BIG thank you to my little ray of sunshine Mags  (despicable_med) for giving me suggestions for all the funny bits. What a queen <3 Love ya girl x

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