Chapter 7

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*** 12 Hours Later ***

Ava had just gotten home from a long day at work and was in the kitchen making dinner when there was a knock at the door. She already knew it would be Connor coming to pick up Sophia for the evening. "Come in!" she yelled from behind the cooker. The door swung open and Connor bounced in. He was surprisingly upbeat and perky, something she had not seen in a while. 

A: Whats got you feeling so chirpy?

C: Well, I am just happy to be back in Chi-town and I get to spend the evening with my favorite girl. 

As these words left Connors lips, Ava snapped her head around to face where he was standing. Sophia ran out of her room and straight to Connor. She wrapped her tiny arms around his legs and clung on. Connor reached down and picked her up, throwing her into the air and catching her a few times, Soph bubbling with laughter the whole time. Ava was watching them like a hawk. After Connor put Sophia back down on the ground Ava shot him an un-amused smirk. 

A: You know that scares the hell out of me every time.

C: Yes I do know that. Do you really think I am going to drop her? She weighs like 25 pounds, Ava. She is tiny, a bit like you.

Ava glared at him before turning her attention back to the tomatoes she was chopping. She smiled at the floor, away from Connor so he couldn't see her amusement. Sophia was still zooming around the lounge at a million miles an hour. 

C: She seems awfully energetic...

A: Yeah she and Owen baked cookies and cakes with Natalie today. She ate about 7. Good luck with that. She will be up for hours. 

C: Oh I see you are enjoying this.

A: Tremendously. Now here is her bag. And her is her coat. I'll see you at 6 am! But for me its time for some dinner, a long bath, my book and a fluffy blanket, bed nice and early tonight I think.

Ava picked Sophia up and put her in Connors arms and then continued to usher them both out of the apartment. Connor resisting and objecting the whole way out the door. 

A: Have a great evening you two!

Ava cupped Sophia's face in her hands and gently rubbed her nose against her daughters tiny nose before kissing her on the forehead. 

A: Mama loves you. 

S: Wuv you mama.

A: Good Evening Connor. 

She reversed back inside her apartment and aggressively swung the door shut. Making sure to lock it, especially loudly a moment later. She quietly put her eye up to the peep hole. Connor was still standing there with their daughter in his arms looking completely flustered. She muffled a giggle with her hands and then leaned up against the door for a minute. Ava sighed gently and then walked back into the kitchen.

*** The Next Morning ***

Early the next Morning Connor was driving back to Ava's apartment to drop Sophia off before work. She had been up till 3 am the night before and was now falling asleep in the car. Connor watched her sleeping peacefully while waiting at the red light, whispering under his breath "She looks just like her mother when she sleeps". He was so wrapped up in thought he hadn't noticed the light go green and all of a sudden a loud beep from the car behind him jerked his thoughts back to reality. As he slowly pulled off he could hear Sophia starting to cry slightly in the back. The car horn had woken her up and she was not in a good mood due to lack of sleep. 

C: Oh hunny, its okay shhhh, go back to sleep. Close your eyes Soph. Its alright. 

She continued to wimper for a moment but began to settle quickly as Connor soothed her, reaching his hand back and gently stroking her leg. 

C: Hey hey, its alright sweetie. Shhhh shhhh shhhh.

Her eyes slowly shut and within two minutes she was fast asleep again. Soon after they arrived at Ava's building, 20 minutes early for drop off. Connor carefully lifted Sophia from her car seat, trying not to wake her. After a couple minutes of tricky maneuvering he managed to get her out of the car successfully with no tears shed. He got into the elevator and rode up to her floor gently rocking Sophia back and forth to stop her from stirring. As he reached the door he had no free hands to knock so decided to try the door handle with his elbow. It was open. Ava was rushing around like crazy inside, she stopped only for 0.5 of a second to acknowledge Connor standing there with Sophia before returning to her panicked morning routine. Connor flicked the door shut with his foot and walked straight into Sophia's room, placing her down in her bed and pulling the covers up to her chin. He tucked her Winnie the Pooh under her arm and then knelt down to give her a kiss, brushing the fine blonde hairs out of her face as he did. He pulled the door mostly closed and then headed back out into the kitchen. Ava was now throwing clothes around like a maniac and frantically pacing up and down, muttering under her breath. Connor had seen this all before, every morning in fact, back when they were still living together. 

A: Where in gods name are my black boots? 

Connor was about to point to the coffee table where the shoes were tucked neatly under but before he got the chance she raced back into the bedroom, leaving him alone again. He knew she would be wanting a coffee for the road. Connor slowly wandered to the kitchen counter and flicked the espresso machine on. He then got the travel mug out from the drawer where it had lived for the last 6 years, from way back when he originally bought the apartment. It had the name of the realtor printer on the side still, though it was very worn now after the years of use by both himself and Ava. After a few minutes the coffee was made and he poured a rather large quantity into the mug and then placed it on the end of the bench with a muesli bar and banana her grabbed from another drawer. He then wandered over to the coffee table and got out the pair of black boots from under it. Ava came running back in, this time in nothing but a skirt and a bra. Connor looked her up and down and then quickly looked away when he saw Ava catch him. 

A: Oh Connor for gods sake, you have seen much more than this before and don't even try pretend like you didn't just check me out. 

She ran straight up to Connor and snatched the boots from him, quickly sliding them on. Suddenly there was another knock at the door. Connor walked over and answered it, as Ava slipped on a silk, button-up shirt and tucked into the skirt.  It was the nanny come to stay with Sophia for the day as Connor and Ava were due at the hospital for an unknown meeting. She shot a slightly judging look to the pair of them before closing the door behind her and heading over to the kitchen. Connor was now standing silently by the door, keys in hand. Ava grabbed the coffee and snacks, Connor had prepared for her off the bench and then raced straight past Connor also snatching the brand new Audi keys from his grip on her way past. 

A: I'm driving, lets go. 

Connor was looking a bit puzzled just as Ava grabbed him by the sleeve and dragged him out of the apartment, pulling the front door shut behind her.

A: Bye Amy! Thank you! Tell Soph I love her. 

The door clicked closed and Ava raced off down the stairs. 

A: Connor! Move it! We are gonna be late!

"Oh and that's my fault?" Connor muttered under his breath as he followed Ava down to the car.

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