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She finally came to a conclusion not that her heart actually wanted it. She was doing this to see how far things would go. She wanted to understand how in not more than six years she became a completely different and wanted to know why she took on that path.

"Are you sure?." Ihsan nodded.

"Well. I am finally content, I will give Abdullah a call and tell him this. Or would you like to tell him your self?." Baba spoke not even trying to conceal his bliss.

"Yes. She would I have already told him and he is coming later in the day. " Yahya spoke instead.  "Are you okay with that?." Baba asked Ihsan who sat on the floor in the living room betweeen Baba and Yahya who sat on opposite chairs.


He took his hand up about to knock but instead he took in a deep breath recalling what happened here the last time. Sighing one last time he Knocked on the door. Not a second later the door kracked opened showing Ihsan's face. She half smiled when she saw him. But Abdullah's heart rate only increased.

"Assalamualikum." He manged to blurt out after clearing his throat and looking away from her brown eyes.

"Waalaikum salam. Come in." She closed the door right when he walked in.

He strolled all the way down to Yahya's general parlour where everyone mostly stayed in but it was empty it almost looked like it was just Ihsan at home. "Should i get you water?." He shook his head seating down on the Modern seat. She sat aswell a little further from him. But closer than he expected.

It reminded him of when he first came to see her in her father's house that was the same question she asked him that da.'should i get you water' the only difference was the body language she sas soo free with him but now it just wasn't like before.

"Where is-"
"I wanted to-"

They both spoke in unison.

"Sorry you go first." Abdullah added examing her, She wore a blue dress with flowery detailings it was something she wouldnt normally wear but she looked stunning. Well She looks beautiful in anything.

She sighed a little. Getting nervous. "Everyone is upstairs. I told them i wanted to speak to you so they...gave us the entire ground floor." While she spoke Abdullah tried to avoid any eye contact with her knowning fully well were this talk was heading to and wanted her to be comfortable around him.

"I wanted to tell you that--."

"Don't worry about it i will have the papers ready by tomorrow if you really want them sooner."

"What?" She was unsure what he was talking about.

"I wanted to tell you that i changed my mind. And would like to continue the marriage hopefully it may be the reason for my mermory to come back. What do you mean by papers." Abdullah froze like an antelope in head lights.

Thinking of how gloomy he would feel if this were a dream. "I feel it would be unfair to leave you alone with all the memories. If i went back to my daily life, My daily routine i might feel some changes. So i am trying to get more familar and i was hoping maybe i go home soon."

He looked up at her and she smiled.

"Alhamdulilah. Words cannot describe how i feel right now but In Shaa Allah you can have my word. I would never let you down."

"Allahuma ya Shaa."

They both didn't say anything for what felt like a minute. "So you are planning on moving in?." Abdullah knew she might not like the new life she had back in his home and he wanted to be sure.

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