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Aisha's POV

"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, Catch the tiger by the toe. If the tiger says No then Eeny, meeny, miny, moe."


I tickled my nephew's under arms making him giggle harder with every tickle. "okay that's enough, time for bed."

"No. Again!. Again!." He laughed. "No no. Up up." I picked him up putting him in bed and tucking him in. "Iyyeh. Mummy in the making." Ilham joked.

"Yessoo." I tucked my Aunt's baby turning off his lights before walking back to my room.

"You can't even sing the song properly it's Catch the Tiger-" I looked at her then rolled my eyes. "Enough. I know you can sing it." I shook my head as i succeeded in shutting her up.

She rose her hand in defeat. "Sorry oh Mrs Aisha Abdullah." I glared at her. "You want me to sleep with a broken heart abi?." Ilham was my cousin and she too knew that i like Abdullah.

"Ha'an why would i want to break the future Abdullah's wives heart. You want him to have my heart on a spike?." She joked as she sat on my bed. I sighed pouting a bit. "Ihsan accepted to go back with Abdullah." Ilham laughed wholeheartedly. Clutching her stomach as she fell on her back. Gaining an evil look from me. Literally sending daggers to her.

"You -will not --kee me. Oh."  Ilham spoke laughing in between clutching her stomach even running out of breathe. Ilham and Nusaybah both know how to get on her nerves and they were the only people who knew about her crush for Abdullah. She trusted them.

"Let me analyse this for you for like the 100th time. One Abdullah is flirty rich. That alone makes him hard to get. Because he is hard to impress. When he has it all. Two he is handsome. Mind blowing handsome. His face is asif he molded it out himself. So that too is another reason why he is hard to get."

"Please. Shut up."

"No no. You don't since you're still head over heels for him. Three. He is married that just means any other girl is wasting her time if she really wants to get in between a married man and his wife. And last but not the least. Four. His wife is your best friend. That alone cancels him from your list. But anyways you can do what you want to do. I would love to see how your magical story of A and A, Abdullah and Aisha ends. " she ended her speech with a mischievous Grin. Making my anger boil again.

"Are you done?.

"I am afraid so. I could continue if you want i have millions of reasons why you should leave him and instead connect me with him. I stand a better chance." 

I arched my eyebrow and that was when it hit me. She liked him too. "So that's why you gave this long boring as speech because you got a better chance ai?".

"Yes. I am not all that pretty but i have an outstanding personality i can cook and i love kids so. Yeah i am made of hundreds yards of wife material. Besides i wouldn't mind staying with Ihsan."

I hissed turning my back to her. "And plus i heard he is coming for Adilah tambula's wedding." She jumped off from the bed coming to my side excitedly.

"Why does that excite you. You don't know anyone related to them Tambula that man that owns sokoto sef." She opened her purse bringing out a card turning back to me

"Oho dei the wedding is in Abuja and i have an invitation through Aunty Quassim she is friends with the bride's Aunt it's a long story but she told me she couldn't make it so i begged her for the Invitation card, and well since all her kids had invitation cards she gave me her's. I am so excited." She held the golden invilation firmly on her chest.

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