CHAPTER 34: For Love

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*apologises for the late update, i was having midterms and after that a project and a presentation, i didn't even have time for my phone or wattpad.

*RAMADAN MUBARAK to every one i know this is day 13 so i am also late on that, i wanted to post it on my wattpad profile but most of my readers don't even follow my profile how ever i suggest you do so i can notify you on some things chubbybunny173. I hope Ramadan is going well for you and don't forget to make dua for the entire ummah. May Allah bless us in this holy month.

*lastly i hope you enjoy the chapter i tried to make it pg13 since well we are in Ramadan and it literally took me more than a month to write this because, i can wake up and do a paragraph or two and call it a day. How ever i might not update until after Eid or my finals because i have exams immediately after Eid 😭😪. That's the life of an engineering student. But i am sure most of you can relate




"Wait immediately?." I asked Ya Rukky in bewilderment.

"Yes. He didn't tell you?." I shook my head. "We haven't spoken in hours." Rukky smirked i haven't seen him since last night "Well you know its bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding. Hurry now get ready." I turned around trying to follow rukky to explain why i didn't want to go immediately, but Aisha pulled me back.

"Calm down let me fix you necklace." I sat back on the chair looking at Rukky starting to disappear.

"I have to pack my thing's." I made sure Ya Rukky could hear me.

Her head reappered."Firdausi and Aisha already did." She disappeared out of the room for good shutting the door.

I shook my head turning around to face Aisha."Oh no."

"Hush, You can complain later but first the walimah is about to begin. The Mallama is here."

The floral ball gown i wore swept the floor as i walked, My hair was tied in a bun with a long veil over my head that matched with the dark sides of my dress. A woman came and made my face making me almost not recognise myself even though the makeup was light, my brows has changed over the years so it made me think i looked different when i didn't.

When i walked into the garden i couldn't stop staring it was completely changed into a beatiful baby pink and red floral setting. Umma and Abdullah really do know how to beautify a place.

Last night a woman came and designed my hands and feet with black henna. Making me look like a complete bride.

I sat in-betweeen Aisha and Firdausi as the woman preaching continued talking to the other guest which i didn't look at because i was watching every step i took with the heels i wore.

"...The Almighty Allah in the glorious Qur'an enjoins the doing of good and forbids the doing of bad. Allah says: " There should be a group in you who invites others to all that is good and commands them to do good deeds and forbids them against evil deeds. And they shall, indeed, be successful (on the Day of Judgment ) . Now as a wife you are no longer staying in your parents home, No you are moving into a new home. A new family. A new life. You are to take care of your family, your kids and your spouses family. You need to take them as your own." A woman in dark Hijab and a face veil that only covered her mouth spoke. "Make sure that you are never the reason for your husbands agony or anger. Always be the reason behind his smile. Do that even when he makes you angry he is your husband you know him. So you know how to speak to him..."

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