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Go and read (FATMA'S LETTER) it's on my profile

"Mr Abdullah. Is everything all right." Abdullah nodded. Not even taking his eyes off the road. He drove to Wuse, the restaurant where Ihsan got kidnapped. And he parked at a distance.

They came down the streets were almost empty only the sounds of a beats coming from a club house near by.

The lights from the restaurant were on but it was closed. He looked around the place thinking deeply to himself. "But why did she come here. I don't even know this place." He looked around. "She wasn't alone. Mr Abdullah. "

He squatted down and sat on the pavement on the floor. His actions had john stunned but he didn't know how to react. Mr Abdullah was sad. John not knowing what to do joined him on the floor. "We would find Her, My men are on it. We are trying to use surveillance camera's and anything we have our hands on."

"This was probably a sign that i shouldn't have asked her to marry me again. Terrible things has been happening to this woman all because of me." Abdullah wanted to pull his own hair out, out of frustration, All what Ammar said was ringing in his head.

"Mr Abdullah this are accidents that could happen to anyone." Abdullah looked down to his flip-flops. As a tear rolls down his cheek. But shuts both eyes trying to control his emotions "If she comes back how long would it take for the next accident. They could torture her."

"They wouldn't. "

"What makes you so sure. We hear stories from people who have gotten kidnapped before."

"Because they know who you are. They know you would find them. I am sure of this no harm would come to her. And when she is found. You have my word i would never leave her side."

"I wouldn't either."

"On the bright side. Sir." He smiles looking at the stars in the sky. "Her memory is back."

He puts both hands over his face resting his elbow on his knees. John was quiet for a while then decided to give his boss some privacy. He stood and stayed five feet away from him checking for his pistol on his side just in case someone came.

He saw a  man walking with a hooker to his car and he decided to talk.

"We should head back. Sir."

"I won't go home until I have Ihsan with me. I am going to the bank. Immediately the sun comes up." He takes his phone out and sees the reply from his account manager.

"We would be meeting tomorrow morning."

Abdullah went back to the car and john quickly got fast food from a food truck close to the club and came back to the car with it. But Abdullah didn't even look at it.

Around 5am he went to a mosque and drove straight to the bank. Waiting for it to be opened.

He met his account manager Danny with a check. His phone kept on buzzing so he turned off he knew everyone was looking for him and would want to know what he was up too, or if he too got kidnapped as well. “John tell Moses to tell anyone asking of me that i am safe and do not tell them where i am." Abdullah tells John signalling him to wait for him outside.

"Okay sir." He whispers back.

He enters Danny’s office and he fixes his blue-black blazer on him self putting a smile on his face. "Good morning. Sir." He offered him the seat in front of his desk.

Danny was very skinny for someone from the south. And had a gap teeth but he loved to make his customers happy with the banks services.

"Sir, i would need you to sign here." He pointed at a spot. He did as he was instructed on a black leather seat. "Sir i would also like to know why you would be taking out this amount in cash."

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