Chapter five

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Will's pov

I snap my sketch book shut when i hear everyone starting to come back. Looking over the couch i can see that Riley's with them. Raoul's minions went around looking for whatever they'd been doing before Fred sent them running.

Kevin tried to look at us a few times but had to give up. I didn't pay attention to what Riley and Diego talked about and sat down comfortably again.

The closer it got to sundown the more antsy everyone got. I didn't feel too worried until Riley told Fred it was his time to feed. Bree froze beside me. I carefully took her hand, mouthing "We'll be fine." She nodded slowly.

Riley seemed to be in a hurry. He barley took the time to glare at the ones who tried sneaking through the door.

A while after he left Bree snuck out. I feel confused as I follow her outside. She doesn't realize that I'm following her. After a few minutes she meets up with Diego.

What in the world is going on? Since when are they so close? And why did they sneak out?

I shake my head when I realize that i zoned out. Diego moves through the trees and Bree follows him carefully from the tree tops. I followed them from a safe distance until we reached the most ridiculous house i can remember seeing. I do my best to repress the urge to laugh. Bree and Diego stopped further ahead of me.

A noise catches my attention. Kisses? Who goes into the forest, and a house like that, to kiss?

"How many?" The voice makes me shiver. It's her. Why is she here?

"Twenty three." Riley's said. Wait, wait, wait. What in the world is Riley doing here, and why is he making out with her? "I thought i lost two more to the sun, but one of my older boys is.... obedient." He must be talking about Bree and Diego. "He had a place under the water were they hid."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, He's a good kid." This is just getting more and more strange. What does she mean by. 'Are you sure?' Does she think it's second hand information? That he hadn't seen it himself?

"Twenty three is good." She continued. "How is their behavior evolving? Are they following the usual pattern?"

Riley sounded happy as he answered. "Yes. Everything you told me to do has worked without fail. They don't think, they just do what they're told. I can always distract them with thirst- it keeps them in line." So they don't want us to think. Why?

"You've done so well." She sounded happy and i heard a kiss. "Twenty three." Riley's excited voice broke through. "Is it time?" Her answer felt like a slap."No. I haven't decided yet."

"I don't understand."

"You don't need to understand. It's enough for you to know that our enemy is extremely powerful. We can't be enough careful." Her voice softened, become sweet. "But all Twenty three are alive. How strong they might be, it doesn't matter. What can they do against twenty three newborns." Her laugh sounded like bells.

The constant feeling of discomfort inside my chest, it had been there since i woke up, got worse. We'd been created for something and apparently we have an enemy. Or our creator has an enemy.

Did the difference matter?

"Decisions, decisions." She mumbled. "Not yet. Maybe a handful more, to be on the safe side."

"Creating more could actually decrease the numbers," Riley said carefully, like he was afraid to make her upset. "It gets unstable when a new group is presented."

"True." She agreed, and I can imagine Riley sigh in relief when she didn't become angry. Diego's head snapped to the side, looking out over the field. I heard it the same second i saw them.

Four figures came walking towards the house. They came into the meadow from the left, the furthest place away from our hideout. Even if they didn't look like any vampire I've ever seen, it was obvious just by seeing them that they were vampires. They wore long, dark coats with hoods on, covering their faces. They moved with breathtaking elegance and coordination.

They moved through the grass and towards the house. The sheer size of one of them made me want to turn and run. Curiosity made me stay.

Riley and our creator hadn't said a word after we saw the new arrivals. "Don't." The voice sounded bored, it had a girly tone to it. Not like our creator but you could still hear it was a girl. "I think you know who we are, and that means you know it won't help to try and surprise us. Or hide. Or fight. Or flee."

A deep masculine laugh echoed through the house. Who are these people?

"Relax. We're not here to kill you. Not Yet."

A moment of silence. Barely audible movements.

"If you're not here to kill us... then why are you here?" Her voice is high pitched and on guard.

"We want to know your intentions, and if they happen to involve a certain local clan." The girl in the coat explained. "We're wondering if they have to do with the illegal destruction you've caused here."

Our creator hissed a "Yes. My plans only involve them, but we can't act yet. It's difficult."

"Trust me, we know the difficulties better than you do. It's impressive that you've remained undetected for so long. Tell me, how do you do it?"

"I haven't made a decision. At all, regarding them."

"Primitive but effective." The girl said. "Sadly you're time is up. You're going to have to decide what you are going to do with your army. Now." A chill goes through me. We're an army? "Or we will have to punish you for your crimes. I suggest you give us the guarantees you can now."

Riley's voice is anxious."We'll leave at once!" Our creator hisses at him. "We'll leave as soon as we can. We have a lot to do, I assume you want us to succeed? Then I'll need time to train them, instruct them and feed them!"

A short pause follows.

"You have five days. When they're up, we will come back and if you haven't gone through with the attack then there's nowhere you can hide. We will kill you." It felt like a cold ball of terror grew in my stomach. "And if i have gone to attack?" The twinge of fear in our creators voice didn't help settle the terror.

"We'll see." The girl sounded happier than before. "I guess it depends on how successful you are. Do your best to please us." The last order was said with a tone that made me want to turn and run.

"Yes." Our creator growled.

"Yes." Riley's voice echoed.

The next second the vampires soundlessly left the house. One of them, the biggest one, looked to where i was hiding. Fear coursed through me as he uses his eyes to gesture to me to follow. I hesitate, the look on his face is softer than I thought. The girl in coat looks next. Her eyes widens and she smiles slightly, it looks genuine and exited. She nods at me before they continue walking. What in the bloody hell just happened?

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