Chapter nineteen

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Third pov

The airport was sunny and crowded.
The three newborns were instructed to hold their breath and was given a cloak to wear. Will pulled the hood up, effectively hiding her face. The others had done the same thing and they went out to the cars waiting on them.

Will spent most of the ride looking out through the tinted windows. The architecture and scenery had her otherwise short attention. Diego almost chuckled as he saw the curiosity coming from the Volturi guards. They had explained the fact that Will was the mate of the vampire kings, effectively making her the queen. They were very  obviously curious about her.

Once outside Volterra they all pulled their hoods up before exiting the car and going inside. Inside they were met with other vampires, greeting them and looking on curiously.

To avoid having to get a new secretary they went to the rooms to let the newborns clean up.

Will pov

The room they showed me was gigantic.
The walls a dark red, the king size bed had a color scheme of black and red. Along one of the walls there was a bookshelf filled to the brim. Beside the bookshelf was a big table and cozy chairs to sit in.

I walk around slowly taking everything in. The room has a connected bathroom.

There is a wardrobe in the room

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There is a wardrobe in the room. I take out a pair of black jeans and a red flannel. I strip down before getting into the shower. Turning the water on was tricky but i managed and soon i got out and got dressed.

Not knowing what to do i inspect the room some more. In the drawers under the bed i find art supplies and an empty dairy. A knock on the door drags me out of my exploring.

Third pov

Jane knocked on the door to the queen's chamber. She waited until she heard a 'come in' before entering. Will gave her a smile. "Hi." Jane couldn't help but smile back. "Hello my queen."

Will pov

I guess the surprise showed on my face because she looked confused. "You don't need to call me queen."

Her eyes widened. "But you're the queen..."

I smile slightly at her. "I don't really get all of that yet, but when we're alone please call me Will." She hesitates an i smile. "If you don't feel comfortable then you don't need to." I add.

"I want to ask for your help though.." If i could have blushed i would've. "I can't brush my hair without breaking the brush..."

She smiles. "Of course my queen." I sit down on a chair to make it easier for her. She's careful as she detangle my hair. "What's your name?" I ask curiously. "My name is Jane." I smile at her in the mirror. "Can you tell me more about the Volturi? I don't know much at all about you guys."

Jane nods. "Our founders are the kings, master Marcus was turned first. He saw the chaos the vampire world was in and decided that something needed to be done. He found master Aro and saw his bond to him was like a brother and turned him, soon they found master Caius. Together they formed the Volturi coven. They put the vampire world in its place and enforced laws to not alarm humans. Have you been told about gifts?" I nod. "Well, master Marcus has a gift that let's him see the bonds between people, that's how he found the other kings. Master Aro can see every thought you have ever had with a single touch."

My eyes widened. "So that's why he avoided touching me."

She nods, a small smile on her face. "Yes, he most likely doesn't want to intrude on your memories without permission." When she was halfway through with my hair i ask in curiousity. "You were one of the ones that met Riley and our maker," She looks a little shocked that i remember. "Do you have a gift?"

"Yeah, both my brother and i are gifted. I can make have the illusion that they  feel extreme amounts of pain. Alec can produce a mist that takes away sight, sound, touch and taste." She has a slight distant look in her eyes so i decide to drop it. "Where is Bree and Diego?"

"They have been shown their own rooms to clean up, after that they can look around if they wish." She finishes with my hair. "Do you want me to do an updo?"

I smile and nod. "Yes please." Her hands work with my hair as we continue to talk. "Is Caius gifted?"

She shakes her head. "No, but he is still more powerful than regular vampires."

Third pov

Jane found herself really enjoying talking with the new queen. She finished the hair. "Done."

Will looks in the mirror

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Will looks in the mirror. "Wow, this looks really good." She smiles. "You're really good at this." She praised Jane.

Jane smiled. "Thank you." It was rare that other girls wanted to be around her and even more rare that she got to make anyones hair but her own. "The kings are currently in a meeting with a coven that came to announce two new members. They thought you might want to settle in without having them watching you all the time." Jane explained. "I can show you around in the meantime if you want."

Will almost lit up. "That sounds fun. I would love for you to show me around."

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