Chapter eighteen

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Third pov

The streets were quiet as Caius and Will made their way over the rooftops. Caius had to admit, it had been a long time since he had went on a hunt. Usually they had Heidi bring them the tour.

His mate moved with ease and security, obviously used to hunting like this. "I never told you my name, did i?" He shook his head. "No, you did not." She stopped on a rooftop in a shadier part of the town they were in. "Well, it's Will."

Will pov

Caius stopped a few meters behind me. I look over the edge to what looked like a hotspot for bad people to meet up. I turn my head. "Are you going to eat too?"

He shook his head. "I'm good."

The smell of humans inwaded my space as two guys came out the backdoor of a warehouse. They seem to be arguing, not that i cared. I quickly break the neck of one of them before sinking my teeth into the other one. The blood is bitter with the after taste of drugs, but it still took some of the thirst away.

Caius jumped down from the roof, still keeping some distance from me while looking around. All too soon both guys were drained and i stood up.

I look around and spot a dumpster. Bingo. Ignoring the curious looks i throw the bodies inside it and lit it on fire, before scaling the building trusting Caius to be smart enough follow.

Less then five seconds later the confused yells of more men comes from the place we just left. I giggle at the angry and panicked shouts as they tried to put the fire out. I wasn't worried about the bodies, the venom made sure that they burned up. We stop a few blocks away. "Man, they're going to be so freaked out about where the guys went." I giggle.

Caius studies me. "I'm curious, did you have any rules about hunting when you were turned?"

I nod. "Yeah, we were only allowed to hunt scum, you know, bad guys. Not that that rules were always followed." We settled for a walking pace. "We had quite a lot of rules actually, but Riley couldn't always keep an eye on everyone. We were always supposed to be back in the basement we lived in before sunrise, always hunt scum, never kill each other.  But cramping more than twenty vampires with bad temper in a basement doesn't end good."

He nods in agreement. "I can imagine it doesn't. What was it like?"

I frown. "Well, i met Riley. He found me walking on the street, anything before that is kinda blurry, like looking at something through water. He offered me a sandwich, i know i shouldn't have but i went with him. I was just so hungry. After that it's just the feeling of burning. I woke up a few days later and met Riley again, he acted nice and let me meet three other newborns, Bree was one of them. The other two barely made it a week. It took a few days before we got to meet the others, i think it was like eighteen others maybe. Bree and i both caught Raoul's eyes apparently, he started 'flirting' with me, Bree hid behind Freaky Fred so he couldn't get to her,"

He chuckled. "Freaky Fred?"

I smile. "Yeah, everyone called him that. He had a gift. He could make anyone feel disgust just by being near him. Bree and i hid behind the couch he sat in. I don't know where he is now though, i couldn't find him on the way to the battle." We started getting closer to an airport. "Bree and i  used to get things to occupy ourselves with, she read and i sketched. But i left the bag i had everything at the last house." I chuckle. "It took me a month to learn how to not break the pencil."

Bree and Diego stood talking to the big brown haired guy and the slightly shorter one. Bree looked up and smiled as she saw me. "Hi Will." I smile back. "Hey Bree."

Third pov

Caius joined his brothers. "When are we leaving?" Marcus smiled slightly to himself. Their mate had an obvious good effect on the otherwise angry king.

"In a few minutes." Aro answered, he too noting how calm Caius was. "Did everything go well?"

"Yes it did. It's been some time since i last went on an actual hunt." Jane approached them. "Masters, Ashton says the jet is ready." Aro smiled. "Thank you Jane, we will be boarding then."

Time skip

The flight wasn't that eventful. Jane and Alec played chess, Demitri and Felix talked, Bree had gotten a book and Diego relaxed beside her, Will had been given some pens and paper and sat in her own world as she painted. The kings either relaxed or talked with each other and soon they landed in Italy.

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