Chapter thirty

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Third pov

Sulpicia and Antheodora ruled Volterra in the kings and queen's absence. They knew that if Volterra fell panic would arise in the vampire world.

The two mates wondered what the new queen was like,they knew they would soon get to meet her as they would be coming back in a week.


The kings had discussed what they could with the Cullens, they couldn't really do more until the Romanians started moving again. After Will confronted Edward he'd backed off.

At the moment they were on the way back to the castle. The plane ride went smoothly but going through the airport was harder as Will was hungry. Her grip on Caius arm was enough to leave slight cracks on his skin.

As soon as they got back they would need to get her something to eat. The car ride back to the castle passed by fast and soon they were home again.

Gianna hadn't been informed and nearly had a heart attack when she realized the queen was in the same room as her. It was the first time she'd seen the queen and the hungry, almost glowing eyes left an impression she would never forget. Luckily enough the young queen didn't seem to notice her.

The three kings knew that Antheodora and Sulpicia was in the throne room, they were curious what reaction Will would have to them.

The guards in the throne room had already heard the bell on the bracelet the queen wore and informed the two ladies who was coming.

Antheodora stayed back once the four of them entered the room. She found it humorous as she looked the the lenghts of them. Marcus was tallest, after that Aro and Caius were the same lenght and the queen was half a head shorter than them. She looked rightfully weary when she saw Antheodora and Sulpicia.

Sulpicia was the first to make a move. She shook Will's hand and smiled. "Hello, my name is Sulpicia, it's so nice to finally meet you." It was like the whole room held its breath as they waited for the reaction.

Will smiled slightly. "Hi..."

"It's so good to see these stubborn mules finally found their mate." Her voice had a teasing tone to it and Will giggled.

Once Antheodora saw her reaction to her mate she went up too. "And I'm Antheodora."

To Will the two of them looked stunning. Sulpicia had long black hair and was dressed in a victorian style dress in red and black. Antheodora looked like she would have been albino in her human life. Her hair was white as snow and she too was dressed in a victorian style dress. Her dress was white with gold ornaments.

It's short i know. Vote and tell me what you think :)

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