Chapter forty-one

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Will pov

The bell on my bracelet alerted gurads that I'm coming but sometimes it's fun to take it off, surprise them.

We got a shipment of old books earlier in the day so we decided to read through some of them. See if we found anything worth putting in our personal library, anything else went to the one everyone has access to.

My search for my human life went cold after i found where my grave is located. I'm still curious, don't get me wrong, but i didn't feel like i had the energy to look into it at the moment. In a few years maybe.

I give my all my mates a kiss on the cheek before settling down with a book.

It takes a few hours until the door is opened again. One of the blond vampires that showed up at the Cullen wedding walks in, Denali was it? She hesitates in the doorway, seemingly unsure of herself.

"What a pleasant surprise." Aro looks up from his book.

Caius turned to her after putting his book down. "What do you want? Hm?"

The Denali collected herself. "I have to report a crime, the Cullens, they've done something terrible."

That caught Marcus attention as well, it mostly made me curious. Doesn't that family know how to not get in trouble?

Aro got up. "Allow me, my dear." He took her hand to look through her memories. I stay sitting and only get up when he is back, a troubled look on his face. "Oh my."

Time skip

"Immortal children were very beautiful, their creators loved them. The problem was that when they were turned their development were frozen, a single tantrum could destroy entire villages. Humans heard about the devestation and we had no choice but to intervene." Marcus explained. "We put a law that prohibited anyone from creating one, if they did they would face punishment."

I frown. Esme wouldn't let them put the entire family in danger like that, right? "So if they have created an immortal child the entire vampire world is in danger?"

He sighs. "Yes, and we will have to punish them for it."

"I'm going to call Esme, they already know with the future seeing pixie of theirs."

Marcus nodded. "We will need to start gathering witnesses soon. I know you want to believe the best but be prepared that it might end in disappointment."

Once in my room again i pick up the phone. There has to be a good explanation for this.

"Hello, this is Esme."

"Hi Esme, it's Will. Some very concerning news have reached us, i can't speak for the others but I'm willing to give you a chance to explain."

The silence on the other end was almost deafening. "She isn't an immortal child, i promise. She was born, not bitten, she grows like a normal child."

"I see. I can't promise anything, but i will try to steer this up. I consider you a dear friend and i would hate to loose that." Esme sighed in relief. "Any help at all is appreciated, and i will be forever grateful that your willing to try."

Time skip/ third pov

Gathering witnesses didn't take long and soon there was a great deal of vampires wanting to stand on the Volturi's side. Now the only thing they had to do was gather in Forks to confront the Cullen family and their own little battalion. Will never got the time to talk to her mates about her and Esme's conversation and it seemed like she wasn't going to get that time either. She could just hope for the best.

Well guys, next chapter is the last one. I will be publishing a book two but it feels weird to say goodbye to this one. I will also be publishing a book with Will's life on the streets before she was picked up by Riley so watch out for that one.

As always, vote and comment, it gives more motivation than you think :) i love you guys

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