chapter eight

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The cullens

Everyone had gathered in the living room to discuss the upcoming battle with the newborns when the alarming sound of other vampires getting closer alerted them.

Edward could pick up the thoughts from the guard as they got closer. "It's the volturi." He looked to Carlisle. "I can't hear why they're here."

Esme looked at her husband. "What do you think they're here for?" Carlisle looked unsure as someone knocked on the door. "I don't know. But i have a feeling we're going to find out."

When they opened the door Aro smiled at them. "Carlisle, my old friend, it's good to see you."

The Cullens went outside. "Aro, what brings you here?"

Caius had his usual sneer as he looked at them. "We picked up on the fact that there is a newborn army coming here for the girl..."

Bella stayed close to Edward. "Then if i may ask, why have you not done anything about it?" Edward asked, keeping an arm around Bella.

"Because the future queen of Volterra, our mate is amongst the newborns." Caius answered him.

A quiet surprise spread in the coven. "The future queen. That is why you are here?" Carlisle asked with badly hidden surprise.

Aro nodded. "Yes, we decided that we might as well help you when we are already here, of course we want to make sure our mate is not harmed."

Esme spoke up. "Where exactly are you staying?" Aro looked at her. "Do not worry, we are staying at a hotel and won't be feeding in the town." He assured her. She nodded in thanks.

The Cullens all had mixed feelings about the arrival. It did mean that they wouldn't have to be to afraid of the newborns getting into the town but it also meant issues with the wolfs.

Volturi hotel

Caius quietly grumbled about the Swan girl still being human.

Aro looked amused. "Oh come on brother, we can overlook that don't you think. We are going to meet our mate soon after all." Caius shut up even if he didn't look happy.

"How long did Jane give them?" Marcus asked from his chair by the table. "Five days i believe. You know, i do believe our mate is gifted." Aro commented as he sat down.

"How so?" He'd caught his brothers curiousity. "In none of their memories did she make a single sound. Not even when she moved in her hiding spot."

Caius perked up. "Not a single sound?" Aro shook his head. "Completely quiet. Not even when she moved did she make a sound."

Since i had inspiration and the comments i got in the last chapter made me really happy, i decided to give you another chapter :)

(Edit: her powers will be explained later)

Vote and comment, it keeps me motivated :)

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